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AGAIN | 03


THE JET landed smoothly at the tower.  You were silent, staring blankly ahead, hardly moving, barely registering the fact that you were in the jet, alive, and not dead.  Wanda kept glancing at you throughout the entire ride.

Once the aircraft has descended to the ground, Natasha, Sam, and Steve make their way toward the door, Wanda stays glued to your side. The walk was quiet as Steve tries to decide how to proceed with the situation at hand, Sam seems lost as he supports the majority of your weight, you were still unable to stand without aid. Nat stares out ahead, deep in thought.

You continue to stay silent.

Walking through the halls, silence enveloping the group like a blanket. You don't seem aware of your surroundings as you stare straight ahead, your gaze not focusing on anything. Your mind was elsewhere. You gripped your wound in an attempt to keep pressure on the bleeding cut on your lower abdomen, but even that was difficult to maintain.

And of course, Wanda didn't miss it.

"Hey, hey." She whispers gently, reaching for your free hand in an effort to snap you out of it, trying to ignore the slight sting of the cuts along her own fingers. She squeezes it lightly. "It's alright. We're here." She smiles faintly, hoping you'd smile too. 

It was clear you weren't paying attention. "Y/n." Her tone changes slightly in concern, noticing how pale you seemed.

Without warning, you stumbled for a second, before Sam managed to hold you up as you tried to regain control of your shaky legs. You blink rapidly, forcing your vision to clear enough that you can focus again.

"You okay?" You glance at him briefly before nodding your head yes and leaning more onto him.

"No. Your not okay." Wanda answers with a frown. You open your mouth to protest, but Wanda continues before you can say anything, "Don't. Not right now." 

She takes a breath and look towards Nat and Steve, "I need to get her cleaned up and patched up." 

Steve opens his mouth to argue, but Nat holds up a hand stopping him, "Alright, let her go to the med bay and then meet us upstairs." Wanda gives her a small nod. 

 "I can come." Sam offers.

"I can manage." Wanda reassures, taking you from his grip, wrapping one arm around your waist, letting the other guide you across the hall and into the elevator, guiding you to the medical bay.

As soon as the doors shut, you begin coughing violently, the wound in your abdomen bleeding profusely. "Hold it together." Wanda instructed as you struggled to breathe properly, clutching your chest to try and relieve some of the pain. As the elevator began to rise, your breathing became even shallower. Eventually, when you felt you couldn't take anymore, you fell unconscious.

When you wake up, you hear someone softly talking beside you. Opening your eyes you see that you are still in the Med Bay. You slowly sit up, wincing slightly at the pain from your abdomen. Looking down, you notice the bandages you're wearing underneath the shirt and the blood staining them black.

Turning your head to the side, you see Wanda sitting at your bedside, her elbows resting on her thighs as she holds her head in her hands, tears dripping onto her palms. You turn to fully face her.

"Hey." You murmur, attempting to reassure her. You watch as she raises her head to look at you, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

"You scared me half to death." She whispered, taking your hand into hers.

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