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AGAIN | 12


"THE GENETIC CODING TOWER IS AT 97%. You have to upload that schematic in the next three minutes." Bruce said, looking over the tablet as he walk around the cradle.

"I'm gonna say this once." You said, trying to keep calm. your voice was laced with annoyance and frustration which was becoming too much to handle.

"How about "none-ce"?" Tony quipped, trying to lighten the mood. You shot him a glare in response and the expression on your face did not seem like it would be pleasant. 

"Shut it down!" Steve snapped. "Nope, not gonna happen." Tony replied with a grin.

"What do you mean not gonna happen? Don't push me, Tony." You warned as you walked towards the billionaire. 

 "You don't know what you're doing." Steve replied defensively. "And you do? She's not in your head?" Bruce countered.

"I know you're angry." Wanda spoke after being silent. They all stopped arguing and looked at her. "I know that what I did back there was wrong. But I'm- we're here becau-" 

"Because what? Because you realize that you were wrong?" Bruce interrupted her, looking at her seriously. "You know I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." Bruce stated coldly. 

You took a step closer to Wanda while Steve stepped forward, ready to protect her. "We've all made mistakes. You should try to remember that." You added. There was a short silence between the two groups before everyone started talking again. "Banner, after everything that's happened..."

Tony cut him off. "It's nothing compared to what's coming!"

"You don't know what's in there." Wanda pointed at the cradle. 

 "So?" Tony replied defiantly.

"Tony! this isn't a game." You exclaimed, exasperated.

Soon the voices from both sides filled the room making it deafening. Everyone glared at the other, some with anger and hatred, others with contempt and disdain. When a blue speeding force came running through the room and unplugging the cradle. Everyone turned their attention to the source. 

"No, no. Go on. You were saying?" Pietro asked innocently, looking at everyone else. It happened fast. A bullet came through the glass Pietro was standing on, shattering it. Making him fall through the cracks of the glass.

"Pietro!" Wanda yelled when she saw him crash down. Cap throws the shield as you quickly shielded Wanda with your own body so she wouldn't get hurt as the shield comes flying around the room. Steve was blasted in the chest, the impact sending him crashing into the wall. He slid down and crumbled in pain.

You were about the help Steve when you heard Wanda gasp. You looked back to see her being held by Bruce who was holding her tightly. His arm is wrapped around her neck and the other one was around her hand to stop her from using her powers.

Your instincts took over as you ran towards them, reaching for the knife inside your sleeve. The blade is unsheathed in seconds. "Let go of her Bruce!" You snarled, trying to pull the knife out, which proved difficult as Bruce's arm is holding Wanda securely. 

"So now you're going to defend her and attack me?" Bruce growled.

"Don't be stupid." You spat. "You. Don't want to do this, Trust me. Let her go, now." Before anyone could react Wanda uses her power to push Bruce, causing him to drop her, causing her to stumble backward slightly. She quickly sent another blast at him. The blast hit him in the stomach, causing him to stumble back a bit more than before.

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