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AGAIN | 05


"YOU CAN GO Y'KNOW," Wanda's voice carries a touch of concern as the others depart.

Your gaze remains fixed on her, a mixture of reluctance and worry painted across your features. "I don't wanna go. What if..." Your voice trails off, the unspoken fear lingering in the air.

Wanda's eyes meet yours, her expression understanding. "Something happens?"

A knot forms in your stomach as you contemplate the possibilities, the weight of uncertainty pressing upon you. "Exactly. What if while I'm out there, he..." Your voice wavers, unable to bring yourself to say the words. "What if he hurts you? What if I lose you again?" The pain of that loss, that abyss of emptiness, still haunts your memories.

Wanda's grip on your hands tightens, a reassuring anchor amidst the storm of doubts. Her touch radiates warmth and determination. "Nothing's gonna happen, sweetheart."

You offer a tentative smile, trying to find solace in her words. "You don't know that."

A soft chuckle escapes her lips, her thumb brushing gently over the back of your hand. "True, I can't predict the future. But I can promise you this: if anything does happen, I'll call for backup. I won't take any chances, and I won't let anything happen to myself."

The sincerity in her voice offers a glimmer of comfort, a lifeline for your anxious heart. Still, your grip on her hands remains tight. "I know, Wanda, but... I want to stay with you. I want to protect you."

Her gaze softens, a mixture of affection and understanding. "And I appreciate that, I really do. But right now, they need you out there more. You have skills that can make a difference."

A surge of frustration and desperation wells up within you, battling against the rational voice in your head. You know she's right, but you refuse to budge. Your brows furrowed stubbornly as you shake your head slowly. "No."

Wanda's eyes harden slightly, her patience beginning to wear thin. "Y/n, please, this isn't just about you." Her voice rises, a touch of anger igniting in her eyes. "They need you out there, right now."

"You're right, this isn't about me. This is about keeping you safe!"

Suddenly a nearby beam of light draws your attention, and there he stands—Thor, his new axe in hand, accompanied by what seems a walking talking tree and a wild racoon.

Taking a deep breath, you try to calm the rage growing in your chest, taking a few moments to compose yourself before speaking again. "They can handle themselves without my help. I can't lose you again, Wanda. I won't let that happen, no matter what."

For a moment, the two of you stand locked in a tense silence, the weight of your emotions hanging heavily in the air. Wanda's expression shifts from anger to a mix of sadness and exasperation. "You're being selfish," she states bluntly, turning away from you and walking away from you.

You grab her hand, stopping her from moving away. Looking into her eyes, you continue "I'm being selfish because I care about you." You say, hoping to convey how much you feel for her, hoping she feels the same.

She opens her mouth to argue, but pauses and instead looks at you seriously, letting go of your hand and stepping back, her expression softening, almost apologetic. "I care about you too." She tells you softly, looking directly in your eyes. "But I can't let them risk their lives out there while were here, doing nothing." She shakes her head before continuing in a firmer tone, "I'm sorry Y/N, but if your not going to help them, then leave." Turning around, she walks away leaving you alone once again.

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