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AGAIN | 04


"WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?" you hear Wanda's voice, concerned and gentle, as she sits beside you. Her presence soothes your racing thoughts as you turn to face her, her shoulder lightly touching yours.

Your mind snaps back to reality, and you look at her, momentarily lost. "Huh? Sorry, what did you say?" you stammer, slightly flustered.

She offers a soft smile, placing her hand over yours in your lap. "Earlier, at the headquarters... You know who Bruce was talking about, right?" Her touch is warm, and her eyes are filled with understanding.

You sigh, your gaze dropping. "It's nothing," you mutter, feeling the weight of secrets you carry.

Wanda's hand on yours is a comforting anchor. "Come on, Y/n. Just tell me. No more secrets," she gently urges, her eyes searching yours.

A heavy sigh escapes you, and you lift your eyes to meet her gaze, managing a small smile. "There's nothing much to tell, really..."

"Nothing?" Her eyes show a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you meet her gaze squarely. "Nothing to worry about. It's under control." You take her hand and press a tender kiss to its back, hoping to ease her worries. Then, you lean in, capturing her lips in a soft, reassuring kiss.

As you pull away, Wanda's eyebrows rise, skepticism in her expression. "Really?"

Rolling your eyes playfully, you let out a chuckle. "Well, maybe not perfectly fine, but—"

"Then spill," she insists, her determination unwavering.

You hold her gaze, your fingers tracing her jawline as you try to convey your reassurance. "But I've got it all handled," you insist, raising your arms defensively.

Wanda's gaze intensifies, a mix of concern and determination. "You promised me."

You meet her gaze, your eyes earnest. "And I'm keeping my promise, Wanda. I swear," you vow, leaning into her, resting your head atop hers.

"Y/n..." her voice softens.

"It's okay, really. Everything's fine. Don't stress," you say, your fingers tracing soothing patterns along her jawline. "Do I look stressed?"

She chuckles softly, her eyes sparkling. "Alright, fine."

Triumphantly, you pull her closer, wrapping an arm around her waist and nuzzling into her hair. "Having you in my life, caring for me, it's like a balm for my soul. How could I stress when I'm in your arms?"

Wanda's laughter rings out, and she snuggles even closer. "You're quite the charmer."

"I mean it," you whisper, your voice genuine. "I'm lucky to have you by my side."

'And I won't let anyone take you away from me. Not again,' you think, your grip on her tightening almost imperceptibly.

Her smile softens, her eyes locking onto yours. "And I'm equally glad to have you."

"Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0." Steve called in, breaking the quiet moment.

"I hope you're right about this, Cap. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to." Sam says, taking over the controls again.

The Quinjet smoothly glides through the force field, marking their entrance into the technologically advanced land of Wakanda.

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