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AGAIN | 11


YOU and Steve went to the field alone, picking up the speed the moment you spot the black chopper in a distance.

"There's the chopper." You point out as soon as you're able to make out the helicopter.

As you and Steve step closer, you two were immediately intercepted by Iron Man and War Machine, landing in front of both of you, blocking any and all attempts at getting near the aircraft.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport." Tony comments, sounding more amused than anything else. Retracting his helmet, he looks at Rhodey, "Don't you think that's weird?"

"Definitely weird." Rhodey agrees. 

"Hear me out, Tony." Steve interrupts before anyone else has a chance to speak. "The doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this."

Black Panther suddenly sprang up from beside Steve, "Captain. Y/n." He says in a serious voice. It sounds a little forced though.

"Your Highness." You address him respectfully, nodding your head politely as you and Steve bow.

"Anyway..." Tony interjects again, "Ross gave me a 36 hours to bring you in That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Offering Steve and his team one last chance to surrender.

You glance at Steve who shakes his head slightly, signaling for you to keep your mouth shut for now. It clearly isn't the time for this conversation, much less a confrontation between you two. So, you comply. 

"You're after the wrong guy." Steve states calmly. 

"Your judgement is askew." Tony counters, quickly. "Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday."

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him." Steve adds, ignoring Tony's attempt to get under his skin. "I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't."

"Steve..." Recognizing the voice that spoke behind him, you and Steve instantly look over and see the Black Widow herself standing not even ten feet behind Steve.

"You know what's about to happen..." The redhead tells him calmly, "Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?"

You take a few steps forward, "And you? Are you really gonna fight us too? Just because Ross told you to?" You ask her, looking directly into her eyes.

Natasha takes a couple of steps forward to meet you, staring straight back at you. "This doesn't have to end with a fight... It could go a lot better if you just..."

"Just what? Let you guys take an innocent man for the crimes he didn't commit? Let him take our freedom to-" You interrupt harshly.

"No. That's-- not what we-"

"All right, enough with the small talk. I've run out of patience." Tony butts in, effectively cutting off Natasha and ending whatever argument she may or may not be having right now. "Underoos!"

A second later, Spiderman showed up, using his Web-Shooters to take Rogers' shield and to tie his hands. 

"Nice job, kid." Tony praises the teenager.

"Thanks. Well, I could have stuck the landing a little better, it's just... A new suit." Spiderman admits, looking at Tony shyly. "Wait It's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's perfect. Thank you."

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