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AGAIN | 12


"THERE'S our ride." Clint announces upon spotting the jet just a moment later.

"Come on!" Steve shouts to the others as he runs towards the aircraft.

As they approached the Quinjet, they were abruptly stopped by Vision, who shot a laser beam in front of them, preventing them from proceeding.

"Captain Rogers... I know you believe what you're doing is right." He warned them to stop, as the rest of Iron Man's team regrouped. "But for the collective good... you must surrender now."

You felt like your heart was pounding out of your chest, but the adrenaline rush helped to keep your breathing steady, allowing you to focus on the task at hand. 

 "What do we do, Cap?" Sam asked, turning to Steve.

Steve took a deep breath in, closing his eyes and releasing it in one long sigh. He knew this wasn't an easy decision. However, he couldn't bring himself to let go, not when they were so close. He opened his eyes and stared at Sam with a determined gaze, determination in every line of his body. He was gonna finish this mission, one way or another. 

"We fight."

The battle between the Avengers then began with both sides charging at each other at full force. As the two sides converged, a struggle broke out, with Tony's team fighting Steve's team to keep them from fleeing to Siberia. Those who can fly went first, flying straight ahead and those on the fought with their fists and feet. 

They fought as well as they could, as the fight was getting very intense; Steve was struck by Tony's fist, which he deflected with his shield. 

Sam fought alongside War Machine as the two flew through the skies.

Clint shoots arrows at the hovering Vision from below.

Bucky throwing a punch at T'Challa as soon as he reached him made T'Challa hesitate momentarily to dodge it, which allowed Bucky to use the opportunity to punch him right in the stomach.

Wanda flew into the air toward Iron Man's team, where she targeted Spider-Man by hurling asphalt from the ground and adjacent objects right at him, which he managed to avoid.

Natasha found herself fighting Ant-Man once more, dodging his blows and kicking him when he shrank back to normal size, eventually overcoming him. She immediately threw his entire body to the ground, thereby ending their struggle.

After that, Natasha continued on and ran into you, where you two got into a violent altercation. You two engaged in combat using weapons and combat techniques until you managed to knock her to the ground. She was then pinned to the ground by you. 

"We're still friends, right?" Nat asks rhetorically as she tried to catch her breath, struggling to break free from you.

"We're still friends, right?" Nat asks rhetorically despite the current conflict as she tried to catch her breath, struggling to break free from you.

"Depends on how hard you hit me." You jokingly respond.

At that moment, Natasha then got the upper hand, wrapping her legs around you and throwing you aside. She proceeded to kick you in the face to finish you, but Wanda suddenly rendered her immobile, sparing you from the pain and suffering of having your face beaten in. Natasha was then propelled into a luggage vehicle and knocked unconscious after failing to thwart Wanda's abilities.

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