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AGAIN | 01


IT WAS DARK, cold. The outside lights were on and the streetlights were on, it was still raining. It was like everything was in slow motion as you stared at the sleeping figure of your lover. Her chest was rising up and down slowly. She was peaceful, for the first time in months.

A small smile graced your lips as you watched her, she looked so beautiful, even when she wasn't moving. You reached out and stroked a stray strand of hair away from her face as she slept soundly. You couldn't help yourself from leaning forward, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before wrapping your arms around her waist and pulling her close to you. You pressed yourself closer, trying to keep warm in your thin sweater. She didn't stir, she just snuggled more into your embrace.

You could feel her heartbeat beneath you, slowing down with every beat. The steady rhythm matched your own heartbeat This is what you wanted all along, to hold her close, to feel her breathe against you, and to wake up next to her every morning. 

 "What are you thinking about?" Your head shot up at her question, startled out of your reverie by her voice. "Is something wrong?" She sat up, looking concerned. You shook your head and leaned in to give her a reassuring kiss on the lips. She smiled when you pulled back and then wrapped her arms around your neck. "Then what's got you so deep in thought?" She rested her cheek against yours as you spoke.

"Nothing important, I was just...just thinking how much I like this." Your smile widened as you felt her grip tighten.

"About what?" She asked, curious to know what could make you smile like that. You ran your hands through her soft red locks, taking some time to relish in the feeling.

"This, us, our life together." You leaned in and pressed your foreheads together, closing your eyes as you let out a contented sigh. "I don't deserve you." She tilted her chin up and brought her hand up to cup the side of your face.

"You deserve me better than I deserve you." She said softly, smiling sweetly as she brushed her thumb over your skin. "And besides, you're perfect for me." She giggled when you tried to hide your face from her, but she wouldn't relent. She kissed you again, longer this time, letting her tongue tease yours until you pulled away.

"How about we get dressed and go for a late night stroll?" You suggested. She nodded and hopped off the bed. You followed suit, and walked towards her wardrobe to grab a pair of shoes. She grinned at you while you slipped them onto your feet. You grabbed the jacket you had thrown carelessly over the chair last night, as well as your scarf and hat. The two items you handed her as well. She smiled as she slid them on her shoulders, and then put the coat on over top of it.

She laced her arm through yours and started leading you towards the door. You both went downstairs silently, not wanting to wake anyone else up. The streets were empty, everyone was inside, safe and warm and dry. You sighed deeply as she tugged on your arm to hurry you along.

The rain had stopped for now, leaving behind a drizzling drizzle instead. You both stood under an awning, looking at each other in silence. You broke the silence by speaking up. "You look ethereal." She blushed slightly.

"Thank you, though I have to say the same about you." She said coyly. You chuckled quietly and held out your hand for her to take. She accepted gladly, intertwining her fingers with yours. You both began walking down the sidewalk, hand in hand.

There was no need to rush anywhere, it was the middle of the night after all. Just the two of you, enjoying the quietness of the city. That's when you began to feel like someone was watching you. You turned around, but there was nothing to be seen. You took a few steps closer to her and she did the same. Still nothing.

 Just the two of you, in a dark alleyway surrounded by deserted buildings and empty shops. There was something here, you could feel it. A presence behind you, watching you. You closed your eyes tight and tried to shake it off. Maybe you were just being paranoid, or maybe you were getting a bit anxious.

Either way, you decided to focus on the moment at hand. You turned your attention back to the girl next to you, who was currently staring at you curiously. "Are you okay?" She asked you, furrowing her brows. Your gaze dropped to the ground, not sure how to respond. "Did I do something?"

"No! No, you didn't. I'm fine. Just tired, I guess." You shrugged sheepishly. A few seconds passed before she spoke again. "Well, if you're tired, why don't we head home?" She said, tilting her head. "Or we can stay out longer and eat some ice cream." 

You laughed softly, shaking your head. "Nah, I think we should head home besides I don't think the ice cream store's still open at this hour." She gave a nod and linked arms with you once again. You smiled at the action, taking comfort in her touch.

You could never grow tired of holding her hand. Not when it felt like the most natural thing in the world. Your feet shuffled across the pavement as you walked beside her. She would occasionally brush her fingers against yours, and you would catch her eye and blush. But you didn't mind, because she seemed to love the contact. You continued to walk, hands linked tightly.

"So there's a 10:00 am to Glasgow which would give us more time together before you went back." Wanda suddenly said, breaking the silence. You raised an eyebrow at her and cocked your head slightly.  

"Well," You cleared your throat awkwardly "What if I miss that train?"

She rolled her eyes playfully, bumping your shoulder with hers. "There's an 11:00-"

"What if I missed all the trains?" Yo cut her off quickly, sounding more serious as you stop walking altogether. "What if this time I didn't go back?"

She gave you a confused look "But you gave Steve your word."

"I'd rather give it to you. You're worth more than a promise." You gave her another quick glance.

"Well, there a people who are expecting me too, you know. We both made promises." She looked at you, and you looked back, giving her a knowing smile.

"Not to each other." You said, squeezing her hand tightly. "Wanda... For two years, we've stolen these moments... trying to see if this could work and... I don't know... I think- it- uh... You know what, I'm just gonna speak for myself... I- I think... It... wo..." You trailed off nervously, looking directly into her eyes.

"It works..." She whispered, giving you one of her rare smiles. "It works." 

You look into her eyes and smiled lightly. "Stay." You said, bringing her hand up to press a soft kiss against her knuckles. "Stay with me."

Wanda stayed silent, looking at you. She licked her lips and bit her bottom lip as she studied your features. After a long moment, she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out as she saw the news being flashed on a tv behind you. 

"Or not. If I'm overstepping..." You were cut off as she moved away from your grasp and walked closer to the tv. As soon as she caught sight of the picture on the screen, her entire body tensed. "What are they?" Her hand flew to cover her mouth.

You walked up behind her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "What they warned me about." The tv across the screen, showing a familiar face with the headline "Tony Stark missing"

 You looked at Wanda and gently reached for her hand, squeezing it between your fingers, giving it a kiss afterward. "I have to go." Backing away slowly.

"No, Y/n" She grabbed your wrist and pulled you back, stopping you in your tracks. "Y/n, if that's true then maybe going isn't the best idea." Her eyes filled with tears, begging you not to go.

"Wanda, I-" You were cut off by the pain that ran through your entire body as a blade was plunged into your gut, causing you to double over in pain. You clutched at your shirt and fell to the floor, gasping and groaning in agony.


 Yeah so... I've decided to finish the infinity war, endgame and dsmom arc FIRST before the other two since i don't really have the motivation to finish the sds arcs so yeah hope you won't get confused and for the sds arcs I'll just put those two to another book.

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