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AGAIN | 05


THE TWO OF YOU walked hand and hand as Wanda looked around curiously, taking in the sights of New York City with wide curious eyes. The streets were crowded with people on business trips and families enjoying the day. 

You smiled softly as you caught sight of the couple next to you, holding hands and laughing. It made you happy to see them like that, especially since you knew how hard it could sometimes be to find happiness in life. You glanced at Wanda as she looked around again, her eyes shining brightly. And yet, something about them held an undeniable sadness within them. You frowned as you looked at Wanda, deciding to speak up.

"Wanda?" You asked softly. She hummed in reply, her focus focused solely ahead of her.

 "What's wrong?" You asked carefully, squeezing her hand slightly in attempt to offer any sort of comfort.

Wanda shrugged her shoulders, "Nothing. I'm okay." She replied quietly, not bothering to meet your eye.

You sighed softly, pulling her into your embrace, resting your chin on top of her head as she wrapped her arms tightly around you, leaning into your warmth.

"Everything will be okay. I promise." You told her as you tightened your hold, kissing the top of her head lightly, "Everything will be alright." You repeated, trying to reassure yourself as much as she did.

Wanda smiled at the sound of your voice before lifting her head from your chest and turning her body so that she was facing you, gazing directly into your eyes, "Promise?"

 You nodded your head firmly, smiling as she grabbed both of your hands and held them against her heart, "Promise."

She chuckled softly and pulled away from you, intertwining your hands with hers once more. "So, ice cream?" She asked. You laughed quietly in response before pulling her along, walking towards the food court.

The two of you arrived at the ice cream shop only a short moment later as you walked through the door, heading straight for the counter. Wanda turned her focus back to you as the two of you entered an ice cream shop.

"Which flavor?" She asked quietly, looking at you expectantly, the anticipation clear in her eyes. You smiled gently at her, "I haven't got an exact preference, but vanilla works for me." 

"Of course you like vanilla. Very classic." She commented, a slight grin appearing on her lips, causing you to chuckle as she led the way to the front of the line. Once you both reached the cashier you paid the man before you both picked a cone of ice cream.

You thanked him as you both stepped out of the store and headed back to Central Park, the air warm around you as you two enjoyed the ice cream. The pair of you sat on a park bench eating a cone each as you watched people walk past the two of you.

You watched as Wanda took small bites of her ice cream, watching as the melting ice cream coated her fingers as she ate it. She looked completely at peace, her auburn hair falling freely over her shoulder and a smile playing across her face.

You smiled fondly at her as you noticed some of the ice cream on her chin. "Hey," You said softly, reaching forwards and wiping it off with your thumb. She raised an eyebrow in surprise but didn't protest as you brushed the last bit off her chin. "There." You said, smiling softly at her as she licked her lips. 

"Thanks." She said quietly, blushing slightly and averting her gaze. You both continued eating your ice creams, enjoying each other's company.

[Not Edited]

Again | Wanda Maximoff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now