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AGAIN | 03


YOU TURNED OFF the tv with a sigh, running a hand through your hair, thinking about the events of earlier today. When you heard the sound of a another tv playing in the other room, you glanced up towards Wanda's door before deciding to go and talk to her.

Opening the door slowly, you peered into the room, hearing the news playing on the television as you entered. Sitting on the edge of the bed, you watched as Wanda watch the news intently. "What legal authority does an enhanced individual like Wanda Maximoff have to operate in Nige-" the reporter stated, only to be interrupted as you turned off the TV, cutting the woman off mid sentence.

Your gaze shifted from the television towards Wanda, watching her as she continued to stare at the television, her jaw clenched tightly and her brows furrowed together. "It's my fault." she spoke in a low voice.

She looked down momentarily, taking a deep breath before turning her attention back to you. She stood up and walked towards you before hugging you tightly, burying her face in the crook between your neck and shoulder. Your eyes widened as Wanda embraced you so tightly, almost crushing you. "You shouldn't blame yourself." you replied softly, gently patting the back of her head, pulling her closer to you.

"Turn the TV back on, they're being very specific." Wanda mumbled into your shirt, her words muffled by the fabric as she gripped your shirt tighter.

"Wanda, it isn't your fault." You repeated, this time louder this time. "Look at me." You gently pulled the girl away, forcing her to look at you. She did so reluctantly, her green eyes locking with your dark ones. You smiled lightly at her before cupping her face with your right hand and kissing her forehead affectionately, causing Wanda to blush slightly before breaking eye contact.

"You don't have to listen to their bullshit. These things happen sometimes, it's no one's fault. This job... We try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody. But if we can find a way to live with that... then next time... maybe nobody gets saved. I know how tough this job is." You continued, looking straight at her and smiling softly, "But we won't always win. Even heroes have to fail eventually." you finished, dropping your hands back to your sides.

You felt Wanda hug you once more before pulling away, nodding slightly at your words as she returned her gaze back to the ground before making her way back to bed. You stared back at her, smiling slightly at her actions before sitting down on the edge of the bed beside her. She leaned forward slightly to rest her forehead against your shoulder, wrapping her arms around your torso. You rested your head on top of hers before closing your eyes, enjoying the moment, letting Wanda do what she wants.

A few moments later Vision walked into Wanda's room, startling you both slightly and causing Wanda to pull away from you. "Vis! We talked about this." Wanda chided lightly. 

Vision looked at the pair of you "Yes, but the door was open so I assumed that... " he trailed off as Wanda shot him a warning glare. "Apologies. Thana wished to inform Y/n when Mr. Stark was arriving."

You sighed slightly. "Thank you. We'll be right down when we're done talking."

Vision nodded his head once before pointing at the door, "I'll use the door." Walking towards the exit of Wanda's room before stopping halfway and turning round, speaking once more. "Oh, and apparently, he's brought a guest." 

You raised your eyebrow in slight confusion, "We know who it is?"

"The Secretary of State." Vision told you before walking out of the room completely.

You were quiet for several minutes after Vision left, knowing that things wouldn't be going well for Tony coming here. With the Secretary of state coming along to meet you and Wanda. Wanda noticed your hesitation as she began to worry about what would happen when you meet the Secretary. "It will be fine y/n." She assured as she reached out to grab your hand, giving you a reassuring squeeze.

You couldn't help but smile slightly at her gesture. 'Hopefully, it will.' You silently hoped as you gave a slight nod.

[Not Edited]

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