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AGAIN | 02


YOUR KNEES hit the floor and you lay curled up on yourself, coughing and crying, clutching your stomach as you tried to breathe. Your chest heaved and your breathing heavy as you tried to recover from what felt like a hundred knives stabbing you at once. 

Blood gurgled in your throat as you struggled to pull air into your lungs. Everything hurt. Your vision became blurry, everything sounded muffled and far away. It hurt to even think, so much so that the only coherent thought that you managed to gather in your mind right about now was 'Fuck.' 

You look up to see Wanda being thrown into a window. You gasp as your vision focuses, wanting to run to her aid but unable to move without excruciating pain. Your whole body shakes uncontrollably, and you feel lightheaded. Your legs start to give out and you curl up tighter in pain, whimpering. You close your eyes in an attempt to keep them open.

Corvus not wasting any time pins you down using his weapon in an attempt to end your life immediately. You hear screaming somewhere nearby, and try to focus enough to tell who it is but couldn't. Your heart starts to race with adrenaline. You're terrified. Your vision is becoming hazy and your body is struggling to remain conscious. You feel dizzy as Corvus' weapon pierces your skin and blood begins to drip from the wound in your abdomen.

"No!" Someone screams, causing both Corvus and you to turn to see Wanda standing a few feet away from you, glaring daggers in the man's direction.

Before Corvus could react, Wanda blasts him and his companion away, then propels you and herself into a nearby courtyard where you two rest in a alleyway. Once you land safely on the ground, you let out a painful sigh. Wanda places your head in her lap and strokes your cheek.

 "Hey, you're alright." She says softly, stroking your hair softly. "You're going to be ok, baby. You just need to relax, ok? Just stay with me."

You lean into the warmth radiating from her body and focused on the sound of her voice and your beating heart, still panting as you tried to regain your breath. "The blade." Inhaling a sharp intake of air, you tried to get up but collapsed to the ground, grabbing onto her arm to support yourself.

"Don't move Y/n." Wanda ordered, helping you up so that you could rest against the wall.

You looked at her "It stopped me from healing."  You say softly, leaning your back against the wall. 

"Is that even possible?" She asks, kneeling beside you to examine your wounds.

"I don't know." You say, glancing at the wound. "You know... I'm beginning to think... we should have stayed in bed." You chuckle weakly.

Wanda rolls her eyes playfully, chuckling quietly. "Don't even joke about that." And with that she doesn't answer for a while, instead focusing on healing your bleeding flesh. You look at her and watch as she closes and opens her fists repeatedly, creating small bursts of crimson energy in her palms as her brows knit in concentration.

Your heart pounds against your chest as you continue to look at her. Your breathing becomes heavier and you're finding it difficult to breathe. Your thoughts begin to race. Everything was perfect a moment ago, now the only thing you could feel was pain. It was agonizing. You want nothing more than to just close your eyes and fall asleep, even though sleep would probably mean death.

A set of footsteps could be heard approaching, making you snap your gaze to the side  and see Corvus. Acting immediately, you push Wanda aside as Corvus grabs you. You struggle against his grip, kicking and punching as he holds you close.

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