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AGAIN | 09


YOU STUMBLED SLIGHTLY through the quinjet as you followed behind Nex, barely keeping your balance as he helped guide you forward. You were still shaken from seeing those images once again. They just kept haunting you, making you relive every single one. Even with your eyes wide open and your head turned away, you could still remember every detail perfectly, how the blood slowly trickled down her stomach onto the floor, the sickening sound of people screaming in agony as they slowly died, every single detail as clear as day, as if it were yesterday.

Nex sensed your uneasiness and tightened his grip around you for support. He knew better than anyone that it was extremely hard for you to see her dying again. He knew how much you wanted to forget about that experience. He didn't even want to imagine it.

Thana looked behind her and saw you struggling to walk, Nex was supporting you. She was about to go back to help you up when she saw Nex shaking his head towards her. Nex gave you a reassuring nod, silently telling her that you were fine. She understood. She just sighed as she turned to face front again, determined not to show how worried she actually was.

You saw Natasha sitting beside Steve as she stared ahead blankly, no doubt thinking of her own memories. You sighed, you couldn't help but worry about her, you wished she hadn't seen those things. Natasha had always been very close to you, so it hurt to see her this way, especially since she was so afraid of letting anyone see her true feelings. She kept them hidden away inside of her and tried desperately to hide it, even from herself. You wish she didn't have to do that anymore, because you hated seeing her suffer like that, but unfortunately, that was the way that life was sometimes.

You would've loved nothing more than to be able to wipe those awful images from her mind. But sadly it wasn't possible, so you settled for trying to comfort her the only way that you knew how: with physical affection.

And that was exactly what you did now. You wrapped your arm around hers and rested your hand over hers. Nat glanced at you before smiling faintly, giving you the tiniest nod of thanks.

The rest of the flight went by in silence, everyone too distracted by their own thoughts to make conversation.

ARRIVING AT THE DESTINATION, everyone got off the jet one by one. Once on solid ground, you let go of Natasha and  allowed her to walk ahead while you stayed back with Nex, watching as everyone made their way out of the jet one by one, ready to greet whoever was waiting outside.

As you stepped out of the plane, you realiZed immediately where you were. Clint's house. You'd been here before,  when you and Natasha were working together on an undercover mission, but it felt like ages ago, now you just felt nostalgic.

Stepping inside the house with the help of  Nex you noticed familiar faces right away, Laura, Clint's wife and their children Lila and Cooper.

"Y/n!!" Lila exclaimed excitedly as she caught sight of you. "I can't believe you're really here!" Lila exclaimed happily as she told Nat to put her down, before running towards you. She quickly pulled you into a hug, then released you.

"It's nice to see you, too, Lila," you laughed as you ruffled her hair, then bent down to pick her up. She giggled as she wrapped her arms around your neck tightly. You stood back up straight and walked over to Laura who gave you a warm smile. 

"It has been quite some time hasn't it?" You asked quietly. Laura nodded. "How are you? How's the baby? Is it still little Natasha?" She chuckled softly as she shook her head. "Unfortunately, no she's Nathaniel." You looked at Laura surprised.

"No way..." You said quietly, almost whispering the words. 

"Yeah, same reaction I had when I heard." Thana replied with a grin as she came into view. She hugged Laura from behind, then leaned down and kissed the top of Lila's head as well.

Nex smiled at you both. "I heard Natasha said traitor to our little Nathaniel." Nat playfully glared at him, which caused you to crack up. It seemed like everything was going to be okay after all. You hoped that it really would.

"Will you play with me?" Lila asked hopefully, tugging on your sleeve to get your attention. "Sorry kiddo. Not today." You apologized, giving her a sad look. "Please!!!" She whined. You sighed, knowing that you shouldn't say no to the kid. After a few moments of thinking you finally sighed in defeat. "Okay okay! One game." Lila cheered happily, throwing her arms in the air in excitement. You smiled and placed her down gently. 

"What about me?" Nex playfully asked. Lila gasped and turned to face him. She grabbed your hands. "Can Nex come and play with us too?!" She asked excitedly. You chuckled, nodding your head yes.

Lila jumped around in excitement, clapping her hands excitedly. "Yes! Yes! Yes!! Can we go play now?!" She demanded eagerly, looking between you two. You laughed and nodded your head. "Alright, alright, we'll go play." You agreed. Lila squealed in happiness before grabbing onto your s and Nex hand and leading you to the other room.

[Not Edited]

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