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AGAIN | 02


YOU RAN FAST, almost falling twice already, but managed to keep yourself upright and stay balanced. The only sound you heard from behind you, however was Wanda's steady and determined footsteps behind you, matching the pace of your running speed effortlessly. 

Wanda floated to the air above you, passing by you, her long auburn curls moving in the wind behind her as she moved. You glanced briefly at her before turning your focus back forward as you hear Sam's voice crackle through the comms, "Rumlow's on the third floor."

You increased your speed even more, running towards where Wanda was heading. You arrived shortly afterward, seeing Wanda taking the gas out of the building and Sam behind her, shielding Wanda from the bullets shooting past her.

You jumped into action, pulling a gun out from your holster and began firing away, dodging incoming bullets. You fired a few rounds, getting one of the men hit on the chest, sending him tumbling backwards against a pile of garbage. Another man fired three shots directly at you, causing you to dodge to the side and roll off of your feet, barely avoiding being hit.

"Rumlow has a biological weapon." Steve informed, his voice sounding calm as he observed the situation through his scope.

You got to your feet, looking around for anyone else that might have been hiding nearby. When you spotted no one else within sight, you turned your focus to Wanda. "You got this?" you ask her, gesturing towards the gas she's handling. 

"Yeah." She replied confidently, focusing on the gas.

"Are you sure?" you asked, concern evident in your tone.

"Positive." she replied, nodding her head firmly.

"Okay." you replied hesitantly, before running off to join Nat.

You arrived in time to watch Natasha take out another soldier. She looked up at you, signaling you to get ready to fight, so you did. Taking out two more soldiers with a couple of well aimed shots, keeping your distance while Nat went straight towards the last one. She was quick, making short work of the enemy that stood in front of you, shooting widow bites to finish him off.

"Well done, Agent Romanoff." you exclaimed, giving her a brief nod of approval. Natasha gave you a small grin before she was pulled by Crossbones inside the vehicle. You were about to attack Crossbones when all of a sudden, the sound of gunshots filled your ears as you dodged just in time. 

Turning your attention towards the remaining foes, you quickly made your way to their side, grabbing one, throwing him across the area with ease, followed by Crossbones who attempted to fire a grenade launcher at you but missed. As soon as the grenade hit the ground, it exploded causing debris to fall in front of you. 

You saw the rest of Crossbones' men fleeing before they turned to run. "He's in an AFV heading north. We gotta hurry or else we'll lose him." Steve warned.

"Got it. Stay sharp." you responded, shooting three rounds towards a fleeing foe. Once you'd taken down all of them, you heard Nat cough heavily and you instantly turned around, remembering that a grenade just exploded inside the vehicle.

Luckily, she hadn't been hit by any shrapnel, but that still left her coughing heavily. You quickly made your way over to where she'd landed, helping her stand up from the ground and checking her condition. "Hey, are you okay?" you asked, brushing some dirt off her shoulders.

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