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AGAIN | 01


"It's been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth."

Natasha Romanoff stands amidst the wreckage, her heart heavy with grief and loss. Her body aches from the wounds she's sustained, but it's the ache in her heart that cuts the deepest. It hurts, but Natasha doesn't let the sadness show.

Tony Stark, a shadow of his former self, sits in a hi-tech wheelchair. His weariness is palpable, the IV drip serving as a stark reminder of the toll the battle has taken on his body. Natasha's gaze meets his, and she can see the exhaustion and stress in his eyes.

As her gaze shifts, she takes in the names— it resonate like a requiem, a somber litany of those who have fallen. 

Sam Wilson

Secretary Ross

Sharon Carter 

Scott Lang 

Hope Van Dyne 

Hank Pym

Nick Fury 

Natasha's fingers clench into fists, her nails digging into her palms as she fights to keep her composure. The losses are overwhelming, each name a wound that cuts deep. The sacrifices made, the choices faced, and the paths taken—everything is a reminder of the cost of their mission.

And then, there's your name—Y/N.

The ache in Natasha's chest intensifies as she reads it, memories flooding her mind. She recalls the moments of companionship, the shared laughter, the loving smiles, and the times spent together. Your presence had been a source of strength and unity, a reminder of all that is worthwhile in life, which made her fight worthwhile.

But now, you're gone, just like the others on the list. The weight of the losses is heavy, and Natasha can't help but feel a mixture of grief and anger. The sacrifices they've all made, the battles they've fought—it's a stark reminder of the harsh realities they face as heroes.

Natasha's fingers unclench slowly, the tension in her body releasing bit by bit. The fight isn't over. Not yet, she reasons, her thoughts moving quickly as she prepares herself to return to action once more. There were people that still need her assistance. Those that relied upon her guidance and leadership. People whose lives might depend on her. People that needed her protection. And so, as much as it pains her, she needs to continue fighting.

Natasha's thoughts are momentarily interrupted by the sharp exchange between Tony and Steve. The tension in the air is palpable, the emotions running high as their friendship is strained under the weight of their circumstances. Tony's anger is evident, his hurt hidden behind a facade of rage. His statement pierce through the air, a bitter reminder of the trust that has been broken.

"I got nothing for you, Cap," Tony's words cut through the air like a knife. Natasha watches as Tony's features harden, his glare a reflection of his frustration. She can see the turmoil in his eyes, the conflict between his feelings and his outward demeanor.

Steve's expression shifts, a mixture of hurt and understanding crossing his features. The silence between the old friends is heavy, their unspoken history speaking volumes in the charged atmosphere. Natasha can sense the weight of their shared experiences, the bonds that have been both forged and tested over time.

Then, in a sudden and unexpected move, Tony tears his Arc Reactor from his chest, a gesture that stuns everyone present. The object that has been synonymous with his identity is now offered to Steve, a symbol of desperation and sacrifice. Natasha's gaze shifts between the two men as the significance of the moment sinks in.

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