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AGAIN | 11


YOU WERE SAT inside the jet listening to the conversation of Steve and Helen. Your eyes never left your hands that are intertwined with yours resting on your lap. "Did you guys copy that." Steve's voice rang through the coms. "Yes, we did." Clint replied back.

"I got a private jet taking off across town. No manifest, that could be him." Nat spoke in between the comms. "Where?" You asked out loud. "There. It's a truck from the lab." Thana told you.

"Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them." Clint informed Steve.

"You got three with the Cradle, one in the cab." Thana added.

"I could take out the driver." Nex suggested. "Negative. That truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron." Steve stated before cutting off communication. 

Your attention was pulled towards Natasha when she looked at you. She gave you a smile and a nod signaling to go with her outside. You nodded your head as you stood up and followed her. Opening the door of the jet, both of you look at the outside before walking over towards the edge of the plane, getting on a motorcycle. "You two stay here and wait for the cradle." You informed Nex and Thana.

"Okay, we got a window. Four, three... Give him hell." Clint said as you both took off. The two vehicles sped down the street heading towards the truck. You followed closely behind, keeping an eye out for any danger. Nat picked up the shield off the ground, muttering something under her breath before throwing it on her back.  

"They're heading under the overpass. I've got no shot." Clint announced. 

"Which way?"

"Hard right." Clint responded looking below before finishing his sentence. "Now." 

You pulled the motorcycle hard to your right, the wind whipped your hair around causing you to shiver slightly. You looked over at Nat who was looking straight ahead. Her expression showed concentration, which is why you should also focus on the road and not on her or the thing that the twin sister made you see. 

Nat looked to your side for a moment but quickly went back to her previous position after she saw you weren't paying attention. You noticed her grip on the handle bars tighten as she turned a corner. As you turned another sharp bend, you could feel the vibrations of the motor going along side of you. 

 After another minute of driving, the truck was now in sight. You two stopped beside it before Nat throw the shield to Steve who was being choked by Ultron. He caught it without issue before swinging the shield up to block Ultron's next attack. You jumped off your bike before jumping onto the running truck, landing harshly on the top. Grabbing ahold of the bottom, you pulled yourself up while trying to keep yourself from falling off.

Looking back down at Nat, you saw she stopped for a moment as Ultron lift some road blocking the road. Once you saw that Nat was okay, you continued pushing yourself onto the truck. When you finally reached the top, Steve was already being thrown into the air. He hit the ground before being launched upwards again. This time he landed right on top of Ultron. 

You quickly help him up and once you do he goes in for another swing at Ultron, hitting him in the side. Joining in the fight together, you throw punches at Ultron as he blocked your attacks, using his arms to counterattack against you. 

You and Steve continue until someone starter shooting at Ultron making him fall backwards and turn to face whoever had started the fight. Before Ultron could turn around again, you grabbed him in a tight hold, lifting him in the air. 

He swung and hit your stomach. With your free hand, you gripped the back of the neck of Ultron and threw him off the truck, hitting the wall. He immediately stood up and flew towards the both of you, aiming to throw you off the edge of the truck as well but before anything else could happen, Steve grabbed Ultron from the side causing them to both fall off the side of the truck and onto the train beside. 

The moment they crashed inside the train, you quickly jump off the truck as well. Once you were on the train, you saw Steve exchange attacks with Ultron. Joining Steve in the fight you heard him questioned "What do you think I've been doing?" 

You quickly move Ultron away from Steve, making him fall backwards. Steve throws more punches towards the machine. You and him kept on fighting until an unknown speeding force push Ultron. You quickly stop to catch your breath, looking up to see Pietro Maximoff standing there smirking at you. 

Before Ultron could do anything, metal railings came down, separating him from you, Pietro and Steve, trapping him between them. Looking back, he sees Wanda Maximoff standing there glaring at him. "Please don't do this."

"What choice do we have?" she said, her hands glowing bright red. Ultron looks back up at the three of you, raising his arm up slowly, his hand starting to emit energy. All of a sudden, Pietro jumps to you, grabbing you, pushing both you and him out of the way just before Ultron fires a blast towards you and Steve.

You watched as the beam hits the wall, leaving a large hole and making everything shake. You saw Ultron trying to escape and ran towards him, trying to stop him but he managed to get away before you could reach him. 

"I lost him. He's headed your way." Steve warns in the comms. Running in the direction where Ultron blasted, Steve and you arrived at the destroyed front of the train and the now dead loco pilot. The train was still moving at an amazing speed crashing through everything on it's path.

You ran over to Wanda and Pietro, while Steve talks to Clint in the comms. "Civilians in our path." You told Pietro. He nods his head and dash out the train. "Can you stop this thing?" You question Wanda. "Yeah, I think so." Wanda replies. "Good, start slowing this thing down." You replied, shielding the passengers as the train crashes to a building in an alleyway.

After a moment the train starts to slow down and soon enough the entire carriages stops completely, allowing everyone to get out safely. Steve and you runs up to the twins who are standing near the train, panting heavily. "I'm fine. I just need to take a minute." Pietro says. 

"You can rest later." You told him looking between the twins. "The cradle. Did you get it?" Wanda asked, looking straight at you. "Stark will take care of it." You reassure her. Wanda shakes her head before looking back and forth at Steve and you. "No, he wont." Wanda cuts in.

"Look, he will do anything to make things right." Wanda tells you. You stare at her, waiting for her to explain what she meant. "Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?" You didn't respond to her statement, you knew exactly where Ultron gets it.  

[Not Edited]

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