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AGAIN | 08


"Y/N! WAKE UP! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Thana tried to shake you awake, as you were screaming in agony, clearly still in the nightmare. 

Your eyes shot open and you stared wide-eyed at your friend, who was now shaking you frantically by your shoulders. The scene started playing once again in your head, your nightmare where Lizzie was lying lifeless on the floor. Her face was covered in blood, the blood spreading out around her until it eventually dyed the floor a pale shade of red. 

"Calm down, please Y/n don't lose control." Thana begged, grabbing her hands on your wrists, hoping that her touch could snap you back to reality. However, it didn't. Nothing worked and you couldn't stop shaking and screaming, narrowing any control you had left.

The darkness started to engulf you again, black lightning shooting out from your body, just like what happened in the nightmare. Thana screamed and hugged you desperately, knowing full well that if she let go, you would be lost in the abyss once again, unable to control your power and the thing that happened to Danafor would happen again, probably even worse than before.

"Please, please just breathe. Calm down. Breathe. Just breath, okay?" Thana pleaded, desperately grasping onto your hands and trying to bring your attention to something else other than what your brain was telling you. "Breathe... breathe... breathe... It's not true, your not there, that isn't real. Please just focus on my voice, everything will be fine. Focus on me." She whispered, trying her best to calm you enough to take a moment for yourself. "Come on breathe with me, follow my breathing, it'll help you relax."

Thana kept repeating herself as you continued to scream and hyperventilate, your breathing becoming increasingly more laboured by the minute. You didn't notice the darkness slowly creeping its way up around you, you just stood frozen watching the blood pool around your feet and dripping from your hands.

"Damn it... NEX! HELP ME! SHE'S LOSING CONTROL!" She yelled out in panic as you started losing control over your own power. Nex jumped up from the ground, rushing towards you, ready to do whatever he could to get you back in your own head. 

However, as soon as he got close, all the air escaped out of his lungs in shock as a blast of dark energy hit him square in the chest sending him flying into the opposite wall. Nex cried out in pain, clutching at his now broken ribs. A second later, the same dark energy hit Thana, throwing her beside Nex on the floor as she grunted in pain.

"What the fuck!?" Both of them groaned out in pain. They were both dazed from the attack when Nex saw your face, no longer screaming or trembling, but instead looking completely expressionless and unresponsive, completely blank of anything resembling emotion.

It was as though time stopped for Nex. His mind froze up as he stared at you. He knew this reaction, he'd seen it before, he know what it meant, he now knows what kind of vision that sokovian girl made you see.

Nex glanced towards Thana, who had managed to pull herself off the floor and stand up. "We need to calm him down now, before..." he trailed off and looked back towards you. There was no question about who he was referring to, she just nodded in agreement.

"What do you think I've been doing this whole time?!" Thana shouted in annoyance at Nex. 

Nex ignored her. "We need to take everyone away, right now! We can't risk letting him lose control, we have to keep everyone away, we have to keep them safe." He said calmly, finally managing to stand up after a few moments. Thana was reluctant to leave you, "go!, I'll stay here and try to calm him won!" he shouted at her.

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