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AGAIN | 09


YOU AND NATASHA stand beside each other, arms crossed and looking at the monitors in front of you. There's no sound except for the the whirring of the computers that surrounds you and the occasional beep or click from one of the various monitors.

In the background, you can hear Steve and Tony's loud voices yelling back and forth as they both argue about Wanda's 'protection' as Tony puts it. 

You roll your eyes. 

The more you hear about it, the less you like it. 

Natasha clears her throat to get your attention. "I'm sure she'll be fine."

"Yeah, sure, being locked up in the compound because of a little mistake is totally fine and a great way to solve all our problems." You retort sarcastically. 

She scoffs. "Well, that little mistake just happened to kill a bunch of innocent people."

You didn't respond to this. 

There's nothing you can say to that. 

She does have a point but doesn't make the situation any better.

After another momentary pause, she continues speaking. "Look, I know how much you care for her and I know you're really worried. I am too. But-"

"But what?, Huh?, What?, You think "confining" her will actually do anything?" you ask sharply.


"I'm not done yet, Romanoff." Your voice drops a few octaves and you take a step closer to her. 

Nat takes a step back. "Then don't." She challenges.

The two of you stare into each other's eyes before finally Natasha speaks again. "Your not listening, Y/N." You open your mouth to speak but Natasha interrupts once again. 

"Your blinded by your feelings... for her. That girl has already caused so much trouble for the team. You're too consumed with worrying about her to even consider the bigger picture. You don't even listen to the other side of the story anymore... You just straight up ignore our opinions and then go all martyr on us, defending her!" Natasha looks down at her feet, refusing to meet your gaze. She knows that she's pushing it but she also knows you need to hear these things. 

"I... You're right..." You look away and lower your head. "I'm sorry. I just.. I just don't want to lose Wanda. I can't lose her, Nat..."

"Not- Not again..." Your voice trails off as you begin to feel tears form. You quickly wipe them away with the heel of your hand. 

"I- I should go check on Sam. He probably misses me..." you say, trying desperately to change the subject. 


"I'll be okay, Nat. Really." Without waiting for a response, you turn around and exit the room. 

SOME TIME AFTER, your now sitting beside Sam, watching the interrogation of Bucky through the screens on the wall, not hearing a word said between the psychiatrist and him.

"The receipt for your gear." Sharon says from beside Sam. You leaned over to Sam to see what was written in the receipt.

"Bird costume?" Sam reads aloud. "Come on."

Again | Wanda Maximoff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now