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AGAIN | 06


AFTER SPENDING the afternoon eating ice cream at the Central Park with Wanda, you two decided to go for a walk before going back to the compound. The streets were surprisingly calm as the two of you strolled leisurely together in the sunlight.

Wanda kept stealing glances at you whenever she could. Whenever she could sneak a glance without being spotted, she would steal a look at you, noticing every little detail about you.

The way your hair framed your face, the way your cheeks glowed when you smiled softly, the way your eyes glittered in amusement as you looked around you, the way you held your breath when the smell of fresh baked bread reached you as the baker sold his goods to customers. 

It was adorable and cute and wonderful to watch as Wanda admired every little thing about you, even though you couldn't seem to catch her doing so. It made her smile to herself slightly as she looked at you, wondering what had happened that lead you to this point, where you were currently holding hands with her as you walked around, just enjoying each others company.

The couple of minutes that elapsed between you finishing your ice creams and the walk from Central Park to the compound passed quickly, filled with pleasant conversations and laughter. Before long, you and Wanda were inside the building, heading towards the residential floor where the Avengers resided.

Once you arrived outside Wanda's room she turned to face you, "Thank you again, Y/n, for that. I needed that." She said gratefully, a smile adorning her features as she stared at you intently.  

You shook your head and squeezed her hand reassuringly, "No problem. If it makes you feel better, I needed it too and besides seeing you smiling is one of my favourite things in the world." You admitted, letting go of her hand and tucking a strand of stray hair behind her ear, a shy smile appearing on her lips.

You leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. She closed her eyes in response, basking in the feeling of the light touch of your lips on hers before you separated and gave her another kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you later, then," you said softly, a small smile still playing on your lips.

 You turned to head towards your room when Wanda spoke, "Wait, Y/n." She said urgently. You stopped in your tracks and turned to look at her questioningly.

"What is it?" You asked, curiosity clear in your tone.

She took a deep breath before saying, "Would you... Would you like to stay and watch some sitcoms with me? But if you don't want to watch those... I mean who would? Right?" Wanda continued, rambling as she stumbled over her words a little.

Now you were laughing quietly to yourself as you cut her off with a chuckle. "Hey Wanda, calm down, I would love to to spend some time with you watching sitcoms. What do you have in mind?"

You asked, trying not to sound amused by her nervous behavior as she was getting flustered. Wanda blushed lightly, "The Dick Van Dyke Show" She exclaimed enthusiastically. 

You chuckled again and nodded, "Sure! But lemme change my clothes first."

"Of course." She said, turning away, a hint of pink spreading across her pale cheeks. 

After you changed into something more comfortable, Wanda ushered you to her bed and motioning for you to sit down next to her, you both settled in to watch the shows that she loved so much. 

As the show played out on the screen, you were so focus and mesmerized that you didn't notice the sneaking glances Wanda cast at you every few seconds, trying not to stare at you too much as she felt that she were invading your privacy by observing you while you watched the show.

Whenever she looks at you, she felt that she already knew you from somewhere, as though she'd seen you before. She brushed off the idea quickly though, telling herself that it's because of the visions she'd been having before she met you.

Her heart was pounding rapidly in her chest every single time you turned towards her, a shy smile spreading across your face when you caught her staring. This time however, your eyes met, making her gasp softly before realizing what had happened. 

She averted her eyes immediately, looking anywhere but at you. Your gaze followed hers, finding it amusing how shy she suddenly appeared after she'd been caught watching you. You didn't comment on it though, instead, you simply went back to focusing on the TV, continuing to laugh at all of the jokes in the show.

A comfortable silence ensued as the episode progressed.

Just then, you heard your phone ringing, breaking the quiet atmosphere of the moment. You reached for your phone and saw the caller id reading 'Steve'. 

You look at Wanda "Sorry, I think I'll take this call. I'll be back." You muttered apologetically.

Wanda nods understandingly.

You pick up the call, "Hey Cap, everything alright?" You ask concernedly.

"Y/n! Hey, I'm sorry to bother you, but are you free right now?" He responded.

"Yeah, why?" 

"Well, I need your help."

You raise an eyebrow in confusion "With what?"

He sighs loudly and replies, "There's an explosion that happened during the signing of the accords... and they think Bucky did it... and I've called you because... I believe that-"

Before he can finish his sentence, you cut him off, knowing exactly what he wanted to say: "Bucky wouldn't do this." You stated firmly.

Steve sighs in relief, "Thanks, Y/n. I appreciate it. Look, if you're free right now I'd really appreciate it if you could come."

You turn to look at Wanda, whose expression told you that she understood perfectly what you wanted to say, you shoot an apologetic look at her. She nodded slowly in understanding. 

"I'm coming there as soon as possible." You said and disconnected the call.

You walk over to Wanda and hug her tightly, whispering "Sorry.". She hugged you in return and rested her chin on top of your head. "It's okay. I understand. Steve need you.". She whispered in your ear. 

You pulled away and smiled at her, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead. "I'll be back as soon as possible and then we can go and watch the rest of the episode- no, make that the entire series. Without getting interrupted, promise." You said seriously.

"Sound like a plan." She replied before leaning closer to give you a peck on the cheek. "Be safe Y/n." she added, gazing deeply into your eyes.

With one last look, a smile plastered on your face, you headed off towards the exit of the compound.

[Not Edited]

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