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AGAIN | 14


"GET THE PEOPLE ON THE BOATS." Wanda's voice snapped you out from your thoughts. You turned around to see that Pietro's already here, talking to Wanda. "I'm not going to leave you here." he replied while shaking his head. 

"I can handle this." the redhead stated, a determined look on her face. She looked so different then when she came into the battle earlier today, a calm and collected expression on her face while looking down at her brother. A small smile appeared on your lips as you watched them talk and argue. 

"You can leave her with me." you spoke up suddenly, making both their heads snap towards you. "What?" Pietro questioned in confusion. You sighed. "I'll protect her, you can go. You don't need to worry." You gave him a reassuring smile. 

"That's exactly the reason why I don't want to leave her here." Pietro mumbled under his breath as he shook his head in disagreement. Wanda glared at him with a disapproving glare. She obviously had heard what Pietro said. 

"Come back for us when everyone else is off. Not before. You understand?" Wanda ordered him sternly. His gaze fell onto Wanda's figure. "You know, I'm 12 minutes older than you." He reminded her with a grin plastered across his face. The redheads expression immediately softened. "Go." she whispered with a smile on her face, laughing and nodding her head slightly.

With that Pietro nodded and ran to get the civilians in the boat. "Hey! Stay safe!" Wanda yelled back at Pietro. "Yeah, yeah, yeah! Don't worry!" he called out to his sister. The pair of siblings shared a loving look before he disappeared into the alleys leaving you alone with Wanda. You stared at her with a fond look in your eyes. "It's nice to see the two of you getting along." you spoke softly.

She smiled gently at you. "Thank you." she told you, her voice filled with emotions. You nodded your head with a faint smile on your face. "It's not everyday I get to see a sibling bond, so...congratulations." 

She chuckled. "Thanks." she replied with a smile. She glanced over to the direction her brother left. "So..." she started. "...do you have any sibling? Like brothers or sisters, or what?" she asked curiously. You raised your eyebrows questioningly at her. 

"Well... yeah. I have a brother. I have 2 brothers, actually. An older brother and a younger one." You replied, thinking about how best to describe them. She nodded her head in understanding. "Do you also have a strong family bond with your brothers?"

You were surprised by the sudden question. "Uh... yeah, I guess I do." you answered, confused. Deciding not to tell her about what happened between you and your brothers. That was personal. Besides it's not really a lie since you really do have a strong bond with one of them.

Wanda chuckled lightly again. "Good. It's nice to know some things about each other." She looked over at you with an encouraging nod. You grinned at her in return. Both of you stayed silent, just taking in each other's presence. You were about to speak again until a sentry came into view, snapping you both out from your little moment. 

"Oh crap. I almost forgot why we're here. We should probably take care of that." you told her, gesturing your hands towards the sentry approaching rapidly, heading straight to your location.

You and Wanda exchanged looks for second, "You wanna do the honors? or should I?" you asked her. Wanda rolled her eyes at your joke, chuckling lightly to herself. "I'd like to see what you've got up your sleeve." She teased playfully, raising her brows at you challengingly. Your eyes widened in surprise at her response before smiling widely, accepting her challenge.

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