May 12, 2022

I can't express in words just how amazing it is to finally meet someone who sees you. And I mean really sees you. They read you in ways that nobody ever has before, they match with you in ways that have never happened before, and they just.. lift up your spirits, compliment you as an individual, encourage you to keep going.
Craziest part is that in such a short time frame, I have never been more happy. Somebody sees me and is wanting to be by my side, willingly and whole heartedly. They are making me fall in love with life again, showing me all the things I've been so stupidly living without. It makes me laugh and smile at myself, knowing I've never experienced something so... Pure? Warm? Happy? Healthy? All of the above?
When someone asks how things are going in your life and you just can't stop that stupid little grin that creeps across your face as their name flashes through your mind. I've found someone who sees me, who chooses me, who makes me happy, and I really cannot express just how amazing it is to finally feel that after such a very long time. Someone who makes me want to write sappy shit all day long and shout everything I'm feeling from the rooftops.
I sincerely cannot express how happy I am that I've finally found you.

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