I Was to Be

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September 1st, 2024

And just like that, not from your own lips, but someone else's.
All along, you had cheated on me. During our first "I love you's", countless drives to see you seven hours away, and even during meeting my family.
A year and a half of living a lie, only found due to trusting my gut with how I've been treated.
Moving in, trying to make a life with you, trying to make up for my mistakes I made, just to have you continue sneaking behind my back.
Telling me I'm the problem; you're insecure, you will never trust me, you don't remember things right, I told you about that so you're wrong.
Months and months of me feeling like I was being drowned by you, because of the inability you have to look at yourself.
I was to be the problem, so you never had to be..

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