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January 27th, 2024

I know we are only human, mistakes will be made, struggles will happen, and change will occur.
I regret the mistakes I made and I will forever hold that regret, but I also know I must have some forgiveness for myself.
Before, I made very grave mistakes that changed my world completely and I still hold that above my head.
I strive to be better, I strive to understand myself, I strive to try and end the thought patterns I've had almost my entire life.
I try my hardest to not make the same mistakes, however I am human. I will make them, I will continue to learn from them, but they will never be to the extent as the person I never want to be again.
Mistakes, I can only show my remorse, be proud of the changes I have made, and learn to forgive myself in order to continue on the path I want.

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