My Hearts Love Letter to You

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March 23/April 5, 2023

My heart had many strings within broken off,
The aftermath of all the pain and heartbreak of the past.
My heart had many reasons to not ever attach again,
The turmoil from before still as harsh as if it just happened.
My heart had decided it would not skip a beat ever again,
The thought of being open an absolute terrifying thought.
My heart had declared it would never make room for another,
The ability to easily love and forgive always resulting in agony.

My heart met you in all your unique ways,
Suddenly without realizing it -
My heart was mending the broken pieces of itself,
My heart was finding many reasons to attach to wonderful memories,
My heart was skipping beats as if being open was second nature,
My heart was once again, openly loving without a care in the world.

Suddenly without realizing it -
My heart had chosen you.

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