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Some parts of me randomly craves to reach out to you,
To tell you everything crazy that's going on and all the different things I need to decide on. The craving of wanting your advice and to have you in the loop crushes me.
Some parts of me randomly craves to see your face,
To admire you and to smile at you like I did before. The craving of wanting to make you smile and show you all the goods sides of me is devastating.
Some parts of me randomly craves to go back in time with you, back to the moments when things were good.
To tell you to focus on this, on the moments I poured love into things and the way I smiled and hung onto you like my life depended on it.
Some parts of me randomly craves to encounter you in person, to have you face to face.
To know I would want nothing more than to wrap myself around you and likely cry my eyes out for once in my life.
Some parts of me randomly craves to have you in my life, but I know eventually the feeling will fade.

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