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December 10, 2022

It's been a tough month, one that in the beginning, I never wanted to happen.
I've made my mistakes, I've played with fire and places that don't do me any good.
I've had my tears, where I couldn't help but mourn the life I had.
I've had sadness, the silence of my home being overwhelming, yet forcing myself to get used to it.
I've had happiness, in the moments where I was alone and I couldn't help but enjoy it.
I've been lonely, the thought of having someone to share my life with aching.
I've been stressed, my daily life, had taken up so much of my time I couldn't even see straight.
When I think about this month,
I'm proud of myself for trekking through, for showing up for myself, for accepting things for what they are, for putting me first in more situations, and most of all, for slowly healing the pieces of me still broken.

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