Deserve it all

20 0 0

November 4, 2033

I know you'll never read it;
"And I deserve it all.
I deserve the heartache that ripples through my body.
I deserve the way my breath catches in my throat and I feel like I'm going to pass out.
I deserve the way my stomach churns and I feel like I'm going to puke.
I deserve it all.
I deserve the harsh words and the reality check.
I deserve the cold shoulder that cuts my heart.
I deserve the way it feels like my world has stopped and it's never going to continue without you.
I fucking deserve it all.
I deserve the tears that streak down my faces in waves.
I deserve the urge to bash my head into the wall until I feel some other type of pain.
I deserve the agony that surges through my blood knowing I lost you.
I deserve being known as the most shit person on earth.
I deserve the regret that eats me.
I deserve to be punished by the world.
I deserve to never lay eyes, speak a word, or hear a thing from you again.
I deserve it all.
I fucking deserve it all."

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