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Sylvia placed the files on top of her boss's table and carefully placed his cup of black coffee on the side. In about twenty minutes, Jason Cartwright, her boss who's the CEO of the company she's working at will arrive soon and since she's been working as his personal assistant for nearly a year now, she knows almost everything about him. Most people would think she has OCD when they observe how she likes to keep everything clean and neat around her but it's not that, she just likes to keep everything under control.

She straightened up and pulled her skirt a little lower down her knees and then smiled in satisfaction. She turned around and walked out of Jason's office and gently closed the door behind her before she could turn in the direction towards her office which is right next to her boss's, an unfamiliar voice echoed from nearby making her turn back around in confusion.

Her perfectly plucked brows pinched together in a small frown as she stared curiously at a man's back that was standing in front of the reception table talking to Maryanne, the office secretary. By the looks of it, Maryanne was trying so hard not to show that she was blushing uncontrollably but also trying to explain calmly to the young gentleman standing in front of her.

He was wearing a grey-fitting suit that hugs his body like a second skin and he has dirty blond hair, she also noticed that he is very tall and very professional looking. Since she updates Jason's schedule every day, she didn't know anything about any of his clients or friend arriving this early to meet him so she started to walk towards him.

She was about to give a light tap on the shoulder to get his attention but then he suddenly turned around and they almost collide. Sylvia had never seen a man with beautiful light brown eyes before and seeing one up close made her hold her breath. The man staring right back at her is undeniably handsome and it's almost hard to believe he's real. He smirked and then glanced at her from top to bottom. She quickly snapped out of her daze and carefully takes a small step back.

"Hi, can I help you?" She directly questioned him.

He raised an amused brow and shrugged. "That depends on what kind of help you're offering me?"

She deeply frowned and looked to the back towards Maryanne.

"I'm sorry, Maryanne, what seems to be the problem here?"

Maryanne visibly swallowed and hesitantly glanced at the handsome stranger again.

"He's requesting to see Mr. Cartwright, he has an important issue he'd like to discuss with him. But the thing is, he doesn't have an appointment."

Sylvia turned back towards him and forced a smile on her face.

"Sorry you can't see or meet Mr. Cartwright without making an appointment first, that's the rule in this company."

"Oh really? Why don't you go back in there and bring Jason out so we can see if he can bend those rules just for today?"

The way he casually addressed her boss with his first name made her feel slightly annoyed. His cocky attitude was starting to get on her nerves and it's still early in the morning!

"Let me repeat myself, sir, Mr. Cartwright will not allow you to see anyone no matter who it is unless they make an appointment and wait in line with the others till it's your turn to see him. Simple."

He turned to the side and ran his fingers through his hair while chuckling.

"You seriously have no idea who I am, do you?" Sylvia shrugged with no care.

Though his voice does sound a little familiar...

"Sir, you will either make an appointment or leave. Which one is it going to be?"

His eyes quickly narrowed at her.

"Are you telling me what to do?"

"I'm giving you two option here."

"I don't like people talking to me this way." She scoffed humourlessly.

"That's because you're not making it easier for them to do their job. So choose! And don't make me call security."

He folds his fists tightly and she glanced at them before locking into intense eye contact with him. He was very rude and kinda impatient and won't simply take no for an answer and it makes her wonder how her boss could be involved with this kind of person.

"Go ahead! I dare you."

With that being said, he brushed by her side so fast that it almost lose her balance and fall on the floor. She whipped around with a glare and stormed after him.

"You can't just go in there! I will call security if you don't leave right now."

He reached for the door handle but she quickly grabbed his hand before he could do so. They fiercely glared at one another and the heated tension in the atmosphere could be felt a mile away. Even Maryanne could notice it and she cannot do anything but stare at them in panic.

"What is going on?" A new voice said from across the room.

They both looked to the back at the same time and saw Jason standing in front of the elevators with a confused look on his face. Sylvia quickly pulls her hand away and took a step back from the annoying intruder standing closely by her side.

"Mr. I-don't-know-his-name- here demanded to see you without making an appointment first and he was about to enter your room without permission. I was about to call security." She quickly explained and the guy burst out laughing.

Jason, with a straight look on his face, slowly walked towards them and stared right at the guy without any expression.

"That's okay Miss Falcon, that won't be necessary." He finally said to her.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing and glared at the guy beside her. This was the first time Jason had chosen to ignore a very serious matter at her job and though he was her boss, he happens to be her close cousin's boyfriend too, so she thought he was going to be on her side. But she thought wrong.

"Excuse me? But sir-"

"Don't worry Miss Falcon, I'm sure you won't bother with those precautionary measures after I tell you who he is. Let me introduce you to each other then." Jason continued.

She looked between Jason and the guy and her confusion increased up a notch.

"Miss Falcon, meet our co-founder and owner of C&E Holdings......Mr. Chase Evans. Chase? Meet Sylvia personal assistant."

Her mouth parted open in shock. Chase Evans?!

She couldn't believe it. This is the guy that owns half of the company and can easily take away her job with just a quick snap of his fingers. He was also the same guy that has been making her run around these days trying to fulfill his every single request while he relaxed from home and now that she was meeting him for the first time......her stomach starts to churn painfully making her feel uncomfortable to be standing in between the two men.

"I apologize Mr. Evans. I had no idea..."

She gently apologized with her head bowed down and he smirked back before folding his arms together.

"Sylvia Falcon huh? Good to know. I have my eyes on you."

He turns around and opened the door to Jason's office and walks in while Jason slowly follows. As soon as they closed the door in front of her, she released a big breath and internally scold herself for her stupid behavior in front of the guy that turned out to be her other boss.

This cannot be happening right now.

She thought to herself before slowly walking towards her own office with her nervousness from overthinking about the previous situation that took place a minute ago, ruining her mood for the rest of the day.

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