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Chase stopped halfway across the room and slowly rolled his eyes when he picked up on the angry note when his mother called out his name.

He strolled towards the living room where his mother was sitting while reading a magazine and braced himself against the wall.

"What now, Mom?"

She raised her glaring eyes to meet his and then threw the magazine on top of the glass table in front of her.

"I don't know, you tell me."

Chase glanced at the magazine and it didn't take him long enough to notice that the gossip section was filled with his pictures again with a long paragraph about whatever rumor they had come up with this time.

But what suddenly caught his interest was that only this time, it wasn't his pictures alone. Sylvia was in on it too.

He looked at his mother who was already glaring at him with her arms and legs crossed. He can already tell what was coming.

"It's a good thing I managed to contact them to label her as another anonymous conquest of yours. Otherwise, if they find out who she is and that she's your co-worker this whole thing will blow up in our faces."

Chase looked away in annoyance, forcing himself to not react to his mother's words.

"You love to take me advises pretty lightly when it comes to these types of women, do you?"

His head quickly snapped back toward his mother's direction.

"What type of woman mom?"

"The ones that make you look bad in front of the whole world!" She snapped back while standing up from the couch.

"Sylvia is not like that." He gently protested and she scoffed out loud.

"You're blinded by your feelings Chase. She's getting into your head and you don't realize that. You're going to drag this whole family's name into the ground by letting that woman tarnish your reputation this way."

Anger bubbled up inside him and he clenched his fists tightly by his side.

"What are you even talking about? We're just in a normal relationship and, normally,  we've been spotted by the paparazzi whenever we go out together. How is that tarnishing my reputation?!"

"You're dating the wrong woman that's how!" Chase scoffs and ran his fingers through his hair impatiently.

"Oh and you know the right woman for me then?"

Silence suddenly fell upon the room while his mother continues to give him the death stare before slowly walking towards him.

"No. But I do know what's right for you son and I will do everything that I can to make you realize that this woman is brainwashing you."

He shook his head in disappointment and turned around and started walking up the staircase to get to his room.

"You're not getting those hotel stocks not till you break up with her Chase! Do you hear me?" She yelled after him but he continues to ignore her.

He entered his room, slammed the door behind him, and starts taking off his tie and his suit jacket. After throwing his clothes across the room, he sat down on the armchair near the vanity and let out a frustrated sigh.

If there's one person that he knows that loves to bring out the worst in him, it would be his very own mother. He's getting pretty fed up with this treatment, his mother just loves to forget about the fact that he's a grown man, not a 16-year-old anymore.

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