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Sylvia wasn't feeling too excited or glad about seeing Mrs. Evans again. But something about her tone last night when she called her, made her feel a little concerned that something was going on. Either with Chase or with her, she has no idea at all. But she was going to find out soon.

To her surprise, Mrs. Evans was not there yet in the café when she arrived. Their usual table was occupied today so she chose to sit at another table and decided to wait for her to come.

As every minute goes by, her anxiety level starts to rise. Her feet kept endlessly tapping against the tiled floor below her and her fingers were tightly locked together.

She ordered herself a cup of coffee while she waited, she thought it might help her to calm down a little but she was wrong about that.

When Brooke finally shows up in the café, Sylvia's heart did a little backflip. It happens every time she sees her but today, it happened for a different reason. Probably because of the worried lines across her face or the depressed look she had on, and she knew right at that moment that something was up.

Brooke scanned the room and found her in less than a minute before she heads over to her table. She sat down while placing her Prada handbag on the table before signaling to the waitress and ordering a cappuccino.

When the waitress walked away, she finally focus her attention on Sylvia and let out a deep sigh.

"Mrs. Evans I don't think meeting up like this is a good idea-"

"You need to get back together with Chase." Brooke suddenly cuts her off.

Sylvia frowned and leaned away from the table.

"You seriously did not just ask me that."

"I'm not asking you, I am begging you," Brooke replied and her tone wavers a little.

Sylvia scoffed and looks away while folding her arms across her chest. There was a brief silence between them as she tried to wrap her mind around what Brooke just told her while Brooke turned back to the waitress who brought her cappuccino back.

"I know, you guys are on a rough patch right now and it's a lot to ask from you because what he did was completely stupid and he wasn't thinking straight of how badly it would affect your relationship with him. I'm actually on your side on this but-"

She suddenly stopped talking and Sylvia finally looks at her. Brooke's eyes started to fill with tears and she looked down at the cup in front of her to avoid Sylvia's stare.

"But what?" Sylvia pressed softly.

Brooke finally looks up at her again and gave her a weak smile.

"I may have disagreed with him a lot about certain things but I'm still his mother and there are some things that I just can't ignore. What has he's been doing to himself after your breakup for example? He's completely out of control! He's out drinking all night and staying late at the office and mentions you every time he's drunk and passed out on the floor. I can't keep seeing my son do that to himself anymore. So please Sylvia."

She grabbed Sylvia's hands with both hands and looked straight into her eyes.

"Please take him back and get back together. This misunderstanding happens all the time with relationships but don't let that be the reason to cut off this special connection that you two have. You have changed him do you know that? I'm not one to tell my son's girlfriend things like this let alone beg them to forgive my son, but as a mother and I deeply care for him, I will do such things for him. I'll even get on my knees for you if I have to."

Sylvia's eyes suddenly widens in shock after hearing that statement and she gently squeezed Brooke's hands.

"No, you don't have to do that." Brooke started laughing and Sylvia joins her.

When their laughter slowly dies down, Sylvia's smile fades away and she looked at Brooke with a serious expression on her face.

"I can't take him back. Not right now, there are a lot of things I'm dealing with at the moment and I just need some time and space right now. But that doesn't mean that I won't think about it. I mean you're right, these things happen a lot in every relationship so we'll just have to wait and see."

Brooke smiled gratefully at her and tapped the back of her hand. Sylvia returned the smile and then pulled back and reached for her phone in her bag to check the time.

"Uh, I have to go. I need to see someone in a few minutes so."

Brooke nods her head and leans comfortably back in her seat and grabbed her cup of coffee.

"Yes, please go ahead don't let me stop you. Oh and Sylvia?"

Sylvia stopped and looked down at her.


"I'm glad that you agreed to come see me."

She smiled and nods her head once.

"Me too."


"I heard from Uncle Steve you're going to join the company soon," Shay said with a huge grin on her face.

"Yep, that's the plan."

Shay's smile quickly fades away and she gave her a serious look.

"Temporarily or for good this time?"

Sylvia stared back at her cousin for a moment. During the drive here to visit Shay at work, she wasn't thinking of anything about the company or anything for that matter. Her mind kept replaying back to what Mrs. Evans said to her about Chase back at the café.

It worries her that Chase has started drinking a lot which was something totally out of character for him. If the paparazzi even find a chance to catch him in the act, it would affect his career, his reputation, and the company as well.

She felt annoyed too but she shook the feeling off and focused her attention back on Shay.

"I'm not sure yet. But we'll just have to see how it goes." Shay nods with a smile.

Her secretary knocked on the door and came in to get some files from her office and while Shay was focused on doing that, Sylvia drifted off to thinking about Chase.

After all the things she's currently dealing with right now, is it better to be away from him for a while so she can get her life back on track?

Or get back together to stop him from losing himself around alcohol and from losing her feelings for him during this short period they've been apart from each other?

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