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Sylvia slowly opened her eyes and found herself wrapped in Chase's arms. She smiled as she looked at him sleeping peacefully, and couldn't resist the urge to wake him up with a few teasing kisses.

Chase slowly opened his eyes and looked at Sylvia with a sleepy grin on his face. "Good morning, beautiful," he said, pulling her closer to him.

Sylvia giggled and snuggled closer to him. "Good morning, handsome. Last night was incredible, wasn't it?"

Chase chuckled and pulled away to look at her. "It was beyond incredible. You were amazing, as always."

Sylvia blushed and playfully hit him on the chest. "Stop it, you're making me blush. Now come on, we need to get ready. Shay and Jason are waiting for us."

Chase nodded and got out of bed, pulling Sylvia up with him. They quickly got dressed and headed to meet Shay and Jason for breakfast.

As they arrived at the restaurant, they were greeted by Shay's excited face. "Good morning, lovebirds! Sylvia, you're positively glowing this morning. Did you two have a good night?"

Sylvia blushed and laughed. "We did, Shay. It was amazing. But what's got you so excited?"

Shay tried to control her excitement, but she couldn't keep still. "I have some amazing news! Jason proposed to me last night!"

Sylvia's jaw dropped as she looked at the sparkling diamond ring on Shay's finger. She and Chase hugged Shay and Jason, congratulating them on their engagement.

As they settled down, Sylvia gave Chase a mean look and complained that it would be nice to get a ring like that as well. Shay suddenly said, "Well we didn't just all come together for a vacation for no reason."

Chase and Jason gave each other a knowing look, and Sylvia couldn't help but feel curious. "What's going on?" she asked.

Chase suddenly went down on one knee and took a ring box out of his pocket. Sylvia's eyes widened as she saw the expensive and beautiful ring inside. "Sylvia, from the moment I met you, my heart knew that you were the one for me, and I can't imagine my life without you in it. You bring joy, laughter, and so much meaning to my life, and I want to spend every moment by your side. Will you marry me?"

Sylvia couldn't believe it. She had always dreamed of this moment, but she never thought it would happen so soon. Tears filled her eyes as she said yes, and Chase slipped the ring onto her finger.

They hugged and kissed, and Shay and Jason applauded excitedly for them. The girls gushed over being both engaged, and the guys exchanged bro hugs.

As they finished their breakfast, they couldn't stop talking about the engagement and how amazing their trip had been. They spent the rest of the day exploring the island and planning their future together.

Sylvia and Chase took a leisurely walk along the beach, they felt happy and relaxed, enjoying the cool breeze and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, orange glow over the sky, and they knew they had to stop and appreciate the beauty of the moment. They walked towards a large rock and sat down, taking in the stunning view in front of them.

Sylvia smiled at Chase, feeling grateful for his presence in her life. "This is such a beautiful moment," she said, looking into his eyes.

Chase nodded, his arms wrapped around her waist. "It's perfect," he replied, a contented smile on his face.

They both fell silent, gazing at the sun as it slowly sank below the horizon. Sylvia leaned her head back, resting it against Chase's chest as he hugged her from behind. She felt his warm breath on her neck as he whispered, "I love you," into her ear.

Sylvia closed her eyes, savoring the moment. "I love you too," she murmured.

They stayed there for a while, enjoying each other's company and the stunning sunset in front of them. As the sun finally disappeared, Chase turned Sylvia around and kissed her gently on the forehead.

"I can't wait to start the next chapter of our lives together," he said, a look of excitement on his face.

Sylvia smiled, feeling happy and grateful. "Me too," she replied, hugging him tightly.

As they got up to continue their walk, they felt more in love and ready to take on the world together. They knew that they would face challenges along the way, but they also knew that they would always have each other to lean on.

Years later, they would look back on that day and remember it as the day their lives changed forever. They would remember the love, excitement, and joy they felt, and they would always be grateful for the friends who shared that special moment with them.


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