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Chase held his phone in one hand and continue to stare at the black screen of his iPhone 14 with a small frown on his face. For the past five hours, there hasn't been any texts or calls from Sylvia and he was starting to wonder why even though he just saw her this morning.

From his point of view, she looked alright with a happy smile on her face and she didn't look like she was busy at all. He thought that agreeing to start over with her meant they were gonna act like a couple in a relationship that texts and calls each other every minute to check up on one another even though they worked in the same building.

He knows Sylvia is not that type of girl which is why something else was bothering him about her behavior.

A sudden knock sounded from the door and he quickly straightened up in his seat and puts his phone away. The door opens and he was surprised to see Shay.

Shay Falcon is Sylvia's cousin and also his best friend's girlfriend. Ever since C & E and Falcon Group signed a partnership contract a year ago, they have gotten close since then and have worked on a lot of projects together.

"Well, what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked with a smile.

She grinned while rolling her eyes before taking a seat in front of him.

"I was just passing by." He raised a teasing brow and leaned back again in his chair.

"Passing by huh? And did you manage to find what you came here for Miss Falcon?"

She chuckled and placed her handbag on her lap.

"It was a pleasant visit." She replied with a smirk and he shook his head at her knowing that she just saw Jason before coming to see him.

"I can tell."

"Anyways, part of the reason why I dropped by is to get your signature on this."

She reached into her handbag and pulled out an envelope and passed it to him. He took it and pulled out the papers tucked safely inside.

"The bidding papers. The board members have agreed for it to take place on the 7th so we need to start the process immediately."

Chase nodded and grabbed a pen and signed the documents before putting the papers back in their envelope and giving it back to Shay.

"Thank you, I shall get going then. See you on the 7th."

"Umm wait!" Shay stopped and looked at him with a bit of confusion.

"Have you...talked to Sylvia lately?"

Shay nodded and her expression suddenly turned serious.

"I did, but she didn't say much so I was hoping you would. So, what's going on between you two?"

"We're dating." Chase smoothly replied with no hesitation.

Shay's eyes widened in surprise and her mouth curved into a smile.

"You are?! Really?!!" She loudly exclaimed.


"When?!" He suddenly sighs.

"You can get the details from her later but right now you have to tell me, is something going on with her?"

Shay's smile suddenly faded and she glanced up at the ceiling.

"She wasn't really in a great mood when I saw her and I think that has something to do with what happened earlier this morning."

Chase quickly leaned across the table with a concerned look on his face.

"Did something happen this morning?!" She nodded.

"She told me that your brother wanted to see her and he was asking her about your relationship together."

Chase felt a rush of anger surge through his whole body. He can deal with Matt for trying to take over the company but now that he's prying into his dating life and targeting the girl he's seeing, that was low and he's not going to accept it.


Chase stormed into his brother's office in a rage and Matt glared at him before telling his secretary to leave the room.

"You know it's rude to barge in without knocking."

"What the fuck did you say to her?!" He yelled at him.

Matt casually relaxed back in his seat and frowned at him while smiling.

"Who are you referring to exactly?"

"Don't fucking play dumb with me Matthew! Why the hell are you prying into my dating life? Don't you know how to mind your own business?!"

"Oh c'mon, you can't blame me for trying to get to know the woman my little brother is dating. What's so wrong about that?"

Chase slammed both his hands down on the table in front of him and glared straight into his eyes.

"Stay the fuck away from Sylvia, I mean it, Matt! Or you and I gonna have a real problem."

Matt smirked back at him.

"We already have a lot of those lately, don't we? Adding one more won't hurt."

Chase clenched his jaw and slowly backed away from the table.

"What do you want?" Matt shrugged and adjusted his tie.

"Nothing. The fact that you're dating someone like her sparked my interest which got me wondering.....why her Chase?"

Chase remained silent and continue to glare at his brother.

"She doesn't seem to be that special or interesting. Plus, she doesn't fit into your type of girl category Chase."

"Shut up. This is my business and you stay the fuck out of it and leave Sylvia alone." He warned him in a cold tone.

"Ooh, I get it now. She's just one of those good times eh? The type you just waste time with till a better one comes along."

Chase was getting more than irritated with the way Matt was talking about Sylvia. He is just one second away from grabbing him by the collar and punching him on the face.

"Am I right Chase?" He forced himself not to answer.

He knows better than to give in to Matt because that's what he likes to do. To provoke him.

Without wasting any more seconds, he stormed out of the room without a word and the last thing he heard before slamming the door behind him was Matt's annoying laugh.

It's settled. No matter what Matt or anyone will try to do, he will not let anything come between him and Sylvia. That's a promise.

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