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Sylvia greeted everyone with a smile the minute she arrived at work. She was in a great today and was not going to let anything spoil it, even the front desk receptionist was surprised at the sudden happy energy she was giving out the whole morning.

Around midday, she continued with her work. Answering phone calls on behalf of Jason and scheduling the next events, then she worked on the pending paperwork that she's yet to submit later in the day.

"When can I receive the folder? That sounds great, I'll send you the email once I got it.....right thank you."

She puts down the phone and continued to type on her computer. Her concentration was suddenly disrupted when a knock came from the door and she looked up and saw Maryanne standing there.

"Miss Falcon? Mr. Matt Evans requested to see you in his office."

She frowned in confusion and slowly stood up from her seat.

"Right now?" Maryanne nodded.

"Yes, immediately please."

She followed her out of the room and took the lift up to Mr. Evans's office. It was unexpected that he had requested to see her when they don't have the same line of work and she works for Jason.

So what could he possibly want from her?

She arrived at the floor where his office is and his secretary seated at the front desk shot her a tight-lipped smile before nodding for her to go straight in.

She knocked on the grey steel door before going inside the office and immediately spot him sitting on the armchair in the center of the room having a glass of wine.

She slowly approached his side and he slightly angled his face towards her when he sensed her presence.

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Evans?" She politely asked.

He finally turns around and looked at her and then smiled.

"Yes, thank you for coming Miss Falcon. Please, have a seat."

She nods her head before taking the seat in front of him. He kept staring at her with a smile on his face and slowly sipped his drink without taking his eyes off her.
She cleared her throat loudly due to the awkwardness in the room and pretend to look around.

Now that they're seeing each other up close, she can see the similarities between him and Chase. They both do have that dirty blond hair, the built physique, and the smile but their eyes were completely different. Matt's eyes are sky blue whereas Chase's are brown.

"So, tell me a little about yourself, Miss Falcon."

The question caught her off guard and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat before answering him.

"Um, I'm 25 years old...?" He chuckled and placed the empty glass on the small coffee table between them.

"I'm aware of that. What do you most like to do when you're not busy working?"

"I paint when I feel like it. And I also love baking too." He pursed his lips and slowly nods his head.

"Interesting." He replied. " I've been told that you're related to Shay Falcon, correct?"

She nods her head once.

"Yes, we're cousins."

"So let me guess, if you're related then you must be Steve Falcon's daughter right?"

She frowned at him and looked him straight in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, where is this all going? I was not informed that the reason you called me in today was to ask questions about my personal life."

Matt gave her a long stare and slowly leaned back in his chair while rubbing his chin with his forefinger.

"Sorry, I went off-topic. The real reason why I wanted to see you today is because I wanted to see for myself the woman that my small brother has been seeing these last couple of days."

She should've known, she had a feeling he was going to ask her about Chase, and turns out, it was the main reason why he wanted to speak to her today.

"So tell me something Sylvia, are you dating my brother?"

She clutched the edge of the cushion lying by her side and never wavered from the intense eye contact with Matt. She was already starting to realize why people say that he's the most disliked person in the company despite being a shareholder.

"And why would I tell you that? I don't think it's any of your business."

He chuckled out loud.

"Now I get why he's so interested in you. But it's okay you don't have to answer that question coz, I already know the answer to that."

Sylvia glared at him and clutched the edge of the cushion, harder.

"Just a heads-up, in our family every girl that we introduced to our mom has to be wife material. Chase already knows that but he's been playing around for so long that my mother is keen on getting him married. As for you, I don't think you'll make the cut darling and I'm wondering why my stupid little brother is still keeping you around. Probably because he's still living up to his playboy reputation so I won't be surprised if you guys break up by next week."

His words annoyed her and even though she was really trying on the inside to be calm and not let it get to her, her anger was slowly starting to show by how hard she was clutching that cushion.

She knows he was trying to make her waver, see if his words can shake her up a little. She flashed him a smile and stood up from the seat while looking down at him.

"It was nice talking to you Mr. Evans, I should get back to my work now."

He nodded and she rolled her eyes and started heading towards the door.

"Sorry Sylvia but it's the truth though. If he had offered you money then it would've been understandable why you're still with him."

She glared back at him and stormed out of the room before her anger could take over and let her do something to him that she might regret later.

So much for not letting anything ruin her mood.


Double update in one day  because I forgot to upload chapter 10 last night. Lol.

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