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A low moan escaped from Sylvia's lips when the cool face mask mixture touched her skin. It was her mother's idea to suddenly take her girls out for a day at a salon and even though Sylvia was not going to admit it, she was enjoying herself.

The salon attendant slowly spread out the green thick mixture all over her face before placing two cool sliced cucumbers on top of her eyelids.

"We should do this often. For someone who's aging quickly, that face mask will do great for your skin and wrinkles Sylvia."

Sylvia was taken aback by her mother's words and stopped herself from opening her eyes when she remembered the cucumbers covering them.

"Mom I'm 26 for god's sake, I am not that old. I should be telling you that. You're the one getting older."

She replied quickly and heard her sister Sonya chuckle from the other side.

"And yet I'm not the one putting on a face mask here or anything on my face." Her mother retorted.

"That's because you have regular appointments with your doctor to get facelifts Mom." Sonya suddenly said and their mother immediately sat up straight in her seat and glared at her.

"Must you say that out loud here?" She whisper-yelled at her and Sonya shrugged with her eyes still closed while the hairdresser continues to curl her hair.

"I'm just saying."

"Well, no one asked for you to talk."

Their conversation suddenly came to a halt when the phone starts ringing and they both looked at Sylvia at the same time when she picks up her phone to answer it while trying not to move too much to avoid the cucumbers from falling off her face.


"Hey, you. I was wondering why you didn't call me back."

Hearing Chase's voice immediately brought a smile to her face and which caught her mother's and her sister's attention as they both gave each other the side eye.

"Sorry, I'm hanging out with my mom and sister right now. We're at the salon."

She heard him chuckle.

"Interesting. You having fun?"

Sylvia sighed, fully aware that the two sitting close by her side were both listening in to her conversation on the phone. She didn't have to open her eyes to know, she can just tell already.

"You have no idea." She replied sarcastically.

"Okay, then what are you doing after?"

"Nothing. Probably just gonna go home and sleep with my cat or something."

"You don't have a cat."

"I know." A smile stretched upon her lips as a dirty thought suddenly popped into her head after saying that sentence.

Chase even caught it too and he chuckled over the phone.

"You Sylvia will be the death of me one day. So anyways, I was wondering if you wanna go out and grab something to eat after your salon appointment?"

As much as she likes but won't admit spending time with her mother and sister, hearing them bicker back and forth is not what she wants as a reason for her bad mood by the end of the day. Chase calling her was the perfect timing for her to get away safely before they both give her a huge migraine.

"Yes, I would love to. Umm yeah sure, I'll text you the address.....okay see you in ten."

She ended the call and placed her phone back on top of the counter before leaning her head back while sighing loudly.

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