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Chase was startled when Sylvia suddenly stormed inside his office, locked the door, and pull down the blinds. He slowly raised from his seat and wanted to calm her down first but he held back when he realized how really mad she is. It doesn't show on her face, but her body language was saying a lot.

"It's not what you think. Just let me explain please."

Sylvia looked at him with a hard expression on her face and she folded her arms across her chest and juts her chin out.

"Ten seconds." Her tone along with her response immediately set Chase to panic.

"She's a friend of mine and needed my help. Her boyfriend is that lame-ass actor that I don't remember what his name is, he's been using her and her connections to get himself a place in the industry for five years and according to Ashley, he's also toxic to the point that he deliberately hurts her and said it was just an accident. From the way I see it, she was really in a bad place and I wanted to help her. The only way for her to cut him loose is to make her look like she's seeing someone else so that the paparazzi know that she's no longer seeing that asshole and when everyone in the entire world sees that, they'll forget who he is. Without her, he's a nobody. I had to help her, she's my friend Syl."

One minute had passed and Sylvia didn't say a word without letting that same expression falter even for a moment.

Chase was starting to worry, maybe his explaining the whole situation was a bad idea. He walks around the table to get a little closer to her but he stopped when she held her hand up.

"What about kissing her? Did you do it in her favor too?" She asked with a glare in her eyes.

"No! No no that was not part of the plan believe me! She did that out of nowhere and I was pretty shocked myself too."

He noticed that she didn't believe his explanation and tried to take another step closer to her but she stepped further away.

"Why did she ask you for help out of everyone else? Does she not know that you're already in a relationship and how bad this whole situation would make us look? You do realize that your pictures with this girl are trending everywhere right now right? TMZ had come up with many articles and it only focused on you and her. But where does our relationship come in between all of this Chase?" Her voice cracked after shooting him that question.

"Nowhere! Why? Because we're just like her boyfriend. We're nothing now, and nobody cares anymore but I do Chase! I care a lot. And I have done everything to make this relationship work even though you were the one that wanted this in the first place."

Tears starts welling up in her eyes and she exhaled a shaky breath.

"But since you can easily jeopardize it just like that?" She starts shaking her head and took another step back towards the door.

"I don't know what to do anymore." He reached out to her but it was too late.

She turned around and unlocked the door and left.

"Wait.....Syl!" He calls her to her but she kept walking without turning back.

Chase closed his eyes in frustration and slammed the door to his office which startled the workers nearby. He took a moment to calm down and without wasting another minute, he rushed out of the room to follow her.

He ran out of the revolving door and stood outside to look around. His heart skipped a nervous beat when he saw them getting into her car and he rushed down the steps to get to her.

"Sylvia wait!" He called out and she glanced in his way but continues to put her seatbelt on.

He came to her door and puts his hand on hers which was already on the wheel.

"Don't go, please. Let's talk, we can sort this out right now."

She shook her head and plugs her keys in the ignition and starts the car.

"I don't want to talk to you right now."

His eyes suddenly pleaded with her and he strongly gripped her hand.

"Syl please..."

"I have to go." She brushed his hand off and drove away leaving him standing on the sidewalk feeling crushed.

Sylvia glanced at the rear-view mirror and saw him still standing there. A small tear slides down her cheek but she didn't turn back. She was hurt about what happened and right now she wanted to be alone till she was ready to talk to him again.

She was also on her way to work but after her conversation with Chase, she didn't feel like going back there anymore. She dialed Jason's number with shaky fingers and connects her phone to the car's Bluetooth.

"Hey, Sylvia." Jason greets her with his usual normal tone.

"Hey, Jason. Um...I'm not gonna be able to come in for work today. Something came up and I'm not feeling well at the moment. Can I just work on the Wright project from home? If that's alright with you though."

Jason was quiet for a moment and Sylvia starts to feel anxious at the same time.

"Yeah, of course, don't worry about it. Maryanne can just email you the details of today's meeting. Hope you get well soon."

Sylvia released a small sigh of relief and thanked him before ending the call. Jason probably doesn't know what's going on which is why he didn't ask her anything out of concern. But if he knew already then he probably just didn't want to ask because of how she's feeling right now.

She headed straight home. Her mind looking forward to her bed and a tub of ice cream in the fridge and looking forward to sleep this off hoping when she wakes up, this is all just a stupid dream.

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