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Sylvia insert the key to the lock and gently twisted it. A small clicking sound echoes from inside and she gently opens the door and walked in.

She felt exhausted and hungry but all her mind was screaming at her was the word, sleep. She placed her keys on top of the drawers next to the door and kicked her high heels off.

Her feet were immediately released from the pressure of being in the tight space of her heels the whole day and the moment they made contact with the cool surface of the floor, a satisfied feeling surged all over her skin.

She strolled towards her living room and placed her handbag on the couch before making her way towards the kitchen.

She opens the fridge and was in the mood to microwave some leftovers for dinner but there was barely anything edible inside. Making a reminder to herself to do some grocery shopping this week, she searched through her pantries and her eyes lit up excitedly when she spot her baking ingredients on the shelf.

Sylvia has a passion for baking. Her love for pastries can never be compared to anything she's ever come across in life. Well, for now. Even though she's tired from the long day at work, she still feels the energy to start baking something.

Still clad in her office wear, she puts on an apron and starts getting her ingredients and everything ready.

There was a small shelve right on top of the fridge where she keeps all her cookbooks. She pulled out the one that has all her favorite pastry ingredients and flipped through the pages to find one that she hasn't done yet.

Finally settling on the Oreo ice cream brownies, she puts on some music in the room before she starts doing her mixture. Music and baking are a combination that can make her forget all her stress and exhaustion within a minute.

It was her comfort zone and nothing can ever take that away from her.

While the brownies are in the fridge to cool down, she took off her apron and went to her room to take a shower and put on some clean clothes.

The whole time she had spent baking and freshening up, there wasn't a moment where Chase was back on invading her mind. She had spent the whole afternoon at work thinking about him, but now this was her alone time.

After taking a shower and changing into a simple tee and some comfortable shorts, she went back to the kitchen and took the brownies out of the bridge, and placed the tray on the kitchen counter.

Right in the middle of getting a plate from the cupboard, a knock sounded on the door and she froze. She glanced at the clock hanging on the wall in the living room before frowning in confusion.

It was late and she wasn't expecting anyone to come by. Very cautiously, she made her way towards the door and eyed the baseball bat she had placed at the corner in case of emergencies.

Her heart unexpectedly jumped in surprise again when the knock sounded twice. After taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she slowly opens the door and peered outside.

"Hello, Sylvia." Brooke Evans says with a smile.

Sylvia was shocked to see her standing outside her apartment and was more shocked that she had come to see her at this time of the night.

"Mrs. Evans. What are you doing here?" She asked while opening the door a bit wider.

"I just wanted to come to see you and hope we can have a little chat. I hope I'm not disturbing you."

Sylvia shook her hand despite the unexpectedness of it all and motioned for her to come in.

"No not at all. Please come in."

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