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The walk to the office seems so far away that somehow she's starting to wonder whether she's even heading in the right direction or not. Sylvia's hangover was already affecting her mood in the morning and she even wore dark shades to work.

Both her legs felt numb and she was not even sure how they were still working but thanks to the warmth from the cup of coffee she was holding in one hand, it was the only thing that was keeping her completely focus on her surroundings for now.

Drinking with Chase. Talking to Chase. Getting dropped off at home by Chase...

Every detail was clear in her mind that it even started to make her head hurt even more than it already is and she clutched her head and groaned in embarrassment.

"Oh my god....why? Sylvia why?!" She scolded herself and then walked out of the elevator when she reached her floor.

She groggily walked to her office and greeted Maryanne with a small wave and then quickly glanced at Jason's office and knew he wasn't in yet because the door was fully closed. He likes to keep the door slightly open for some reason and since he's not at work then, Sylvia was kinda relieved because she didn't want him to see her like this.

And also don't want to tell him how she ended up at the bar last night with her other boss who she's willing to avoid today because she's embarrassed at herself.


Jason had clocked in late today and she guessed that he might have had a great time last night with Shay and that he probably woke up late this morning. But it was okay, since no one is even going to question it coz he's their CEO.

When lunch break finally came around, her hangover was gone and she felt a lot better already but really hungry. She left her office to go out and get some lunch from the nearby restaurant opposite the company but when she stepped outside, she froze on the spot when her eyes landed on something at a distance.

Well, more like on someone.

Chase Evans was sitting on a bench outside right under the sun, casually leaning back with his shades on as if he were taking a sun bath.

Her heart skipped a beat when she stood staring at him for more than necessary. It was hard to even look away when a handsome man was sitting outside in the sun looking like a model with the sun glowing on his face making his skin look flawless. His blond hair look even brighter as it is and of course, she was not the only one gawking at him from far away.

People that were coming in and going out of the building were also staring at him too as if he were a celebrity that just dropped by for a visit.

The fact that he was sitting very still was starting to bug her. She's starting to wonder whether he's okay or something was wrong with him because, after all, no one likes to sit that long in the sun.

Her curiosity won against her and before she knows it, she was heading straight towards him. She blew out a deep breath and stopped in front of him, her shadow blocking his face from the sun.

He finally moved and leaned up straight and moved his shades down the bridge of his nose to look up at her and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Are you okay?" She finally asked while looking down at him with a concerned frown.

"You're in the way of getting my sun tan. What makes you think I'm not okay?"

She shrugged and folded her arms across her chest.

"Probably because you've been sitting here for so long. You know, getting a lot of solar heat can ruin your skin or better give you skin cancer. But is your sun tan working for you?"

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