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Sleeping and ice cream were not enough to make her feel any better. If anything, they only made her feel worse by reminding her of the reason why she was in that situation to be eating ice cream and trying to sleep in the first place.

She wanted to talk to someone about it, ask for advice, and see what their opinion of the situation is. Shay was her best and her only option, she was tempted to call her and talk about it with her on the phone but suddenly decided against it at the last minute.

She felt it would be better if she go and see her instead and tell her what happened. So, after showering and changing into new clothes, and putting on some makeup to conceal the puffiness around her eyes, she left her apartment and drove to Falcon. Grp where Shay is working.

She's been to the company a couple of times but something about the place often knocks her off guard. The energy is just different and every time she's inside, it makes her feel so out of place for some reason.

Reminding herself the reason why she came, she took a deep breath in and got into the elevator, and pressed the floor where Shay's office is located.

When she arrived, Shay's assistant who was sitting at his desk looks up and smiled at her.

"Appointment?" She shook her head while returning the smile.

"No, just dropping by. She's expecting me."

"Ah okay. She's not in at the moment but you can wait inside if you want." Sylvia nods.

"Okay. Thanks, Andy."

She went inside the room and sat down on one of the leather chairs in the middle of the room and waited patiently for Shay to return.

It has only been ten minutes when suddenly, someone pushed open the doors and walks in and Sylvia stood up to greet them with a smile thinking it was Shay.

But the person that walks in made her smile vanished as quickly as she had managed it. Her heart skipped that nervous beat like how he normally makes her feel whenever she sees him. She wasn't expecting to see him here and not so soon too, they locked eyes while Chase closed the door behind him and took a few steps closer to where she was standing.

"Syl." He called with a soft tone.

Sylvia immediately reacts by grabbing her purse from the top of the glass table in front of her and starts heading towards the door. She barely made three steps towards it, when he suddenly stops her by grabbing her arm.

"Are we seriously gonna be like this? Please, I need to talk to you."

Sylvia glared at him and pulls her arm away.

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Then why are you being like this? I already explained what happened and it meant nothing at all, please just talk to me Syl I can't let you be like this."

Sylvia quietly stared at him and then took a closer step toward him.

"You hurt my feelings, Chase. The least you can do right now is give me a little time and space." He looks away for about a minute and starts shaking his head.

"Please don't ask me to do that. I can't and I just want you to tell me what to do so I can fix this."

"Then let's take a break." The words hang in the air allowing him to let it process while his eyes widen in shock and he stumbles a few steps back.

"What?" His voice came out in a whisper and his eyes starts to water.

"You heard me. Space is what I need right now to figure things out on my own, to let me think about what to do next, and if you're not gonna allow me that then I think we should just......"

She couldn't manage to get the rest of her words out when she saw the hurt expression on his face. It hurts her even more to make this sudden decision but it was for the best right now.

They need to take a break from each other and once everything cools down and returns to normal, then she'll see how things go from there.

Sylvia turns around and went back to her seat and sat down. She propped her arms on top of her knees and closed her eyes while tears starts to stream down her face.

"So that's your plan? You're just gonna walk away then?" He questions from the back of the room.

"I wouldn't have to if you didn't make that decision to help your friend in the first place." She replied without looking his way.

Suddenly he was in front of her and he kneels on the carpet floor and grabbed her hand with both hands, his eyes pleading with her.

"But you believe me right? That kiss meant absolutely nothing to me Sylvia and you know that I'm telling you the truth." She scoffs and looks away.

"I don't know Chase, it's kinda hard to believe that not when you've got yourself a reputation remember?" His expression suddenly falters.

The door opens again and Shay finally walks in. She stops at the doorway when she saw what was happening in the room and she looked confused.

"I can come back."

"No!" Sylvia exclaimed while standing up from her seat and then walked towards her.

"It's okay, I'm leaving." Shay stopped her at the doorway with her hand around her arm.

"You don't have to leave, we're about to head in for a meeting but it'll be quick I promise. Just wait for me here for another few extra minutes?"

Sylvia gave her a small smile and quickly glanced over her shoulder at Chase who was standing at the back looking at them.

"It's okay, I'll come visit another time."

"Syl-" She didn't let Shay finish her sentence when she left the room and headed straight towards the elevator.

It was starting to feel a little suffocating and uncomfortable in there all she wanted was to escape from the place as fast as she can and go back home.

While she was alone in the elevator, a sob manages to escape and she leans back and starts to cry while putting a hand over her mouth.

She starts to ask herself if she did make the right decision to end things with Chase. Even if it hurts so much, she'll manage to get over it. No matter how hard it will take, she'll find a way to move on like she always does.

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