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It's been a week since Sylvia had talked to him. But he never stopped calling or stopped texting her and she chose to ignore it all.

During the past few days, she only allowed herself to focus on work. Now that she's finally adjusting to the company, she finally noticed some of the problems that the company was facing that needs to be taken care of straight away.

It was what her father wanted her to do in the first place. To help them get the company back on its feet and not lose their clients.

This problem occurred a long time ago when Shawn Falcon disappeared. He was the main CEO of their main branch which Shay's family is running but when the accident happened in Hawaii and his body was announced missing, everything starts to fall apart.

Now she realizes why they needed all family on board when it comes to Falcon Group which was why Shay had started working at the company in the first place. Now it's her turn to lend a helping hand.

She was appointed as the company's executive director but most of the time she's helping out sorting through the company's financial issues.

From 9 am in the morning, she's been to meeting after meeting, reviewing most presentations that need do be presented to the majority of their clients, brainstorming new ideas for the sales department, going to a media conference, and holding a private meeting with the other board directors as well.

When lunch hour came around, she was too exhausted to even head out and grab something to eat so she decided to just stay in and finish her work.

A short knock came from outside and Nya entered the room with a few bright-colored folders in her arms. Sylvia looks up to see her while Nya came up to her desk and placed those folders on the side.

"As you have requested, these are the database records that you want. Some documents might be missing because they're pretty old but I can still go back to the archive room to look for them."

Sylvia lifts one of the covers of the folders before closing it again and turns back to Nya with a smile.

"No, it's okay. Let me handle these first and I'll take care of the rest later." Nya nods her head in understanding.

"Okay, ma'am. But do let me know what you need, I'll be more than happy to help."

"Thank you Nya, I appreciate it. Have you eaten yet?" Nya quickly shook her head.

"No, not yet."

"You should go and have your lunch then. Lunch break will be over soon."

"I can get something for you too if you want?" Nya suddenly suggested but Sylvia waves her off.

"Don't worry bout me, I'll be fine. I still have a lot of work to do. So go ahead."

Nya smiled gratefully at her before leaving the room. Sylvia signs before turning her attention back to her computer. She grabbed one of the folders that Nya brought and went through the documents one by one.

The door to her office opens again and she looks up with a startle and saw Nya poking her head in.

"You haven't left already?"

"Uh I was going to but there's someone here that wants to see you. Should I send him in?"

Sylvia frowned in confusion and placed the folder on the side of the table.

"Who is it?" Nya shook her head.

"He won't say. But he seems like a very important person and he's very eager to speak with you."

Sylvia wasn't expecting to meet anyone else, because she had completed her schedule for the day. Now she's in her free time to finish up some paperwork and this important person might just disturb her and never let her complete any of her work.

"Tell him I'm busy and fix him an appointment tomorrow."

"Yes ma'am," Nya replies before closing the door again and disappearing.

Sylvia focused back on her work and a few minutes later, she heard the door open again. She thought it was Nya again so she didn't bother to look up again.

"Did he leave?" She asked while signing the paper in front of her.

"I'm afraid not." A different familiar voice answered.

She stopped writing and then slowly looks up and her eyes met his from across the room.

"You're not supposed to be here without an appointment." She said with a glare directed at him.

"Do I need to have an appointment now just so to see you?" Chase asked with a calm voice.

"Yes. You need to have an appointment just like everyone else."

He took a few steps closer to her desk and stopped a few feet away without looking away from her eyes.

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

Sylvia rolled her eyes and looked down at the papers in front of her.

"I'm busy." She stated matter of fact.

Chase walked up closer and sat down in one of the empty chairs right in front of her desk but she still didn't bother to look at him.

"You haven't been answering my calls or any of my texts."

"As I said, I've been busy with work." He scoffed in disbelief.

"So what? You don't touch your phone anymore?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"Not if I have a good reason to." The corner of his mouth turned up.

"I don't believe you. That's total bullshit."

Sylvia sighs loudly and puts her pen down before she finally decided to look at him.

"What do you want Chase? I don't have time to talk right now. As you can see, I'm in the middle of doing something."

He slowly nods his head and he sat up straight in his seat.

"Right. I'm sorry, I just wanted to come and apologize for what happened after we went out for dinner that night. I'm sorry."

Her eyes suddenly softened towards him and she briefly looked away.

"It's okay. I've already forgotten about it, it's not a big deal anyway."

"But it is to me!" He suddenly reached forward and touched her hand and she automatically draws back.

"No! Please.... don't."

She looked at his eyes and saw that he was hurt by not wanting him to touch her anymore. All her feelings for him which she's been trying so hard to suppress starts to break free from the cover that she's been trying to block them with.

She closed her eyes for a few seconds and than stood up and starts walking towards the door.

"I have work to do and I would appreciate it if you just leave and don't come to see me again." She said to him while holding the door open.

Chase nods his head once and stood up from his seat and started walking towards her. He stopped right in front of her and she can't help but look up and they immediately lock eyes.

"Okay, I'll leave. But that doesn't mean that I'm giving up on you. On us."

He walked out after saying that and she gently closed the door behind him while exhaling a deep breath. Tears have started to prick the back of her eyes but she quickly blinks them away and went back to her desk to finish her work.

But she couldn't manage to finish anything by the time they knocked off. All thanks to Chase for being on her mind the whole time, right after he left.

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