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Sylvia wasn't in the mood to get back to the office immediately. Straight after leaving the café, she took a walk to a nearby park.

Her mind was distracted and she kept walking and walking till she found a bench and decided to sit there.

She never thought that things would get this complicated in their relationship. If there's one thing that Sylvia hates at all, it would be complications in any situation.

She would rather avoid complicating things or just won't make it complicated at all.

She grabbed her phone from her bag and dialed Chase's number. When he finally answered, she quickly told him to come to meet her at the park before he even had the chance to speak. She ended the call and a shaky sigh escaped from her lips.

It has to end today.


Chase arrived a few minutes later, because he heard the stressed tone on the phone, he figured that something was wrong and he wasted no time in coming to see her at the park.

Sylvia saw him from a distance and she quickly turn her head to the side and wiped away the traces of tears on her face. Chase came up to her and sat down by her side.

"Hey, you okay? What happened?" He immediately asked her.

Sylvia couldn't even look at him, she was afraid that if she did she might start crying all over again. So she just stared straight ahead with a blank expression on her face.

"It's pretty cool here, isn't it? It's a nice park to go for a walk every morning."

Chase stared confusingly at her before taking a look around at the park they were in.

"I'm thinking of trying that. I should come here for a run or just a stroll, it'll be nice."

Chase suddenly grabbed her hand making her look down at his hand on top of hers before she finally meets his eyes.

"Is there something bothering you? Just tell me, you know I'm here if you need someone to talk to." He urged her gently with a concerned expression on his face.

She just smiles back at him and then slowly removed her hand from his.

"I think we should break up Chase."

His eyes suddenly widened in shock.

"Whoa wait a minute, where is this coming from? Why do you suddenly want to break up?"

Sylvia looked away and intertwined her fingers in front of her lap.

"I enjoyed the time we've spent together and it was fun being with you but I don't think this is it for me."

Chase was beyond confused. He was struggling with the right words to use to try and understand why she would suddenly want to end things between them when they just started. It doesn't make sense why she should suddenly do this.

"What are you talking about?" Chase managed to ask without raising his voice.

"Look we both have responsibilities and other priorities in life but when we're together, we've completely neglected that and keep getting distracted! We don't seem to realize that but other people do notice and it's not doing any good for us Chase."

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