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Chase was in a great mood when he drove back home after dropping Sylvia off. Just like he had expected, kissing Sylvia was more than amazing and he can still feel the lingering touch of her soft lips against his and how soft her skin felt.

She can be a little feisty most of the time but Chase likes a good challenge. He was beginning to like the way he feels about her although he had thought from the start that the thin thread of attachment between them would soon snap coz his feelings barely last when it comes to women.

But this time was different. She was different, and he wants to get to know her more. Figure out what she's really like, her likes and dislikes, and her favorite color and even get to know her family more if there's even the slightest chance.

Being a young wealthy successful man, he owns multiple condos and apartment across the state and even bought a few mansions that he barely lives in. The only place that he currently likes to extend his stay, is at his parent's home.

The only reason he loves staying at his parent's house is because his mother is there and constantly takes care of him as if he's still a child. He was naturally born with all the affection and attention he needed which is why it made him feel comfortable to still live with his parent although he's a grown man.

He parked the car out front and threw the keys to the butler waiting outside and then strolled inside the house. It was always lively and busy at home with all the maids having something to do all the time while his mother takes her own time doing whatever she wants.

As expected, he found her in the living room on the couch reading a book. Brooke Evans, approaching her mid-forties still looked like she was 25 with her perfect Botox face, her straight golden blond hair plus her good posture, and manner.

Chase approached her with a smile and lazily flopped down on the couch next to where she was sitting. She immediately looked at him from behind her reading glasses perched on the bridge of her nose before looking back at her book.

"You're home early." She stated in a smooth tone.

"Yeah, I was out with someone." His mother quickly glanced at him again and caught the dreamy smile on his face.

"Was it a girl?" Chase chuckled and closed his eyes without answering her question.

That, made his mother want to know more and she closed her book and took off her reading glasses before facing him.

"I think it's time we have that talk." She suggested in a cherry tone causing Chase to groan in annoyance.

"Not this again Mom."

"No listen to me, I've talked to Blair's parents and they seem really nice and very supportive of the idea of you and Blair as a couple! I know your father and I agreed not to interfere with your love life but seriously son, this game you're playing with women has got to stop. It's time you start thinking of settling down! Your father and I won't be around for long and while we're still alive and healthy, we would love to see our grandchildren."

Chase rolled his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose before leaning up straight to face his mother.

"And you seriously need to stop arranging these blind dates for me Mom. I know when it's time to start thinking of building a family and tell you what? Right now, that's not the time for me yet!"

Brooke frowned at him and placed her hand on his lap.

"But you've met Blair, right? She's a nice girl and very successful too-"

"She is! But the problem with all these girls I've met on the blind dates you've set me up with is that they're all clingy! I do not want a clingy wife at all, sorry mom but it's the truth."

She narrowed her eyes at him and lightly smacked his leg.

"You're being ridiculous Chase! Then what kind of woman do you even like at all?!"

Chase leaned back on the couch and looked up at the ceiling, his mind automatically brings up an image of Sylvia and his mouth slowly curved into a smile.

"5 ft 5, with long blond hair, blue eyes, beautiful and smart pretty independent and feisty, and knows what she wants." He responded in a soft tone.

Brooke stared at her son with confusion and raised a perfectly plucked brow at him.

"Well, that was pretty specific. So who is she? Is she the girl that you hung out with today?"

Chase snapped out of his daze and cleared his throat before looking back at his mom.

"Yeah. And that's right, I'm seeing someone Mom so no more blind dates, and don't ever bring up the topic of marriage again."

She remained quiet and watched him leave the room to go upstairs. She was getting a weird feeling from the girl he mentioned to be going out with and Brooke was ready to start investigating everything about her and decide whether she's wife material enough for her son. Let alone, girlfriend material or not.

Chase entered his room with an exhausted sigh and sat down on the armchair near his bed. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and quickly texted Sylvia.

C: You awake?

S: just got out of the shower. Wyd?

C: thinking of you...

S: *insert smiley face emoji*

C: can I come over? I wanna see you again.

He waited for her reply but as fast as the typing bubble appeared it was quickly gone again. He was confused and texted her again but still got no reply after a few minutes had passed.

It was a bit off, although it was their first time texting each other Chase had already figured out that she was the type that always has a response to anything and the same goes for texting.

He waited and after an hour had passed there was still no reply and his text was still left on seen. It bothered him a lot since she stopped texting him back the minute he texted that he wants to see her again so either she was not replying because she doesn't want to see him again or something was up.

Not waiting any longer, he stood up and grabbed his keys, jumped in his car, and drove back to Sylvia's place as fast as he could.

Nothing mattered to him at that moment, all he cared about is to see her beautiful face again.

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