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The next morning, Chase sat down at the dining table to have his breakfast while also opening his laptop so he can check the company stocks.

Since they owned a few hotels, restaurants, and resorts all over the country, each company stock is equally divided between him and his brother.

He usually likes to keep track of his share which is why he decided to check again this morning. But to his surprise, one hotel stocks hasn't been added to his half yet.

The hotel belongs to his mother and even though they had already held a meeting and his mother had signed the contract, he was confused why she didn't give his share of stocks to him yet.

As if right on time, his mother entered the room and joined him at the table. Chase just quietly stared at her in confusion while she sat down and started making her coffee.

When she finally noticed that Chase was looking at her for a long time, her face broke into a grin and she raised her brows at him.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Chase shook his head and Brooke chuckled before looking down at her coffee.

"Then is there something you wanted to say?"

"Yes. What happened to the Imogen Hotel stocks mom? I haven't received my share yet."

Her smile suddenly faded away from her face and she just stared silently at the cup in front of her.

"Mom?" She finally looked at him with a straight face.

"I heard you." Chase scoffed out loud.

"Why are you delaying this?"

"I'm not delaying anything. I'm just not going to give them to you."

Chase stared at his mother in shock and confusion.

"Why the hell not?!"

"I don't think you should have them yet. Not when you're losing focus on what's important at work and not listening to everything I say. This is all because you're dating that girl Sylvia! She's a distraction, Chase."

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. His mother have decided not to give his rightful share of the hotel stocks to him just because he's dating Sylvia. It's completely ridiculous!

"Are you kidding me right now Mom? This has nothing to do with Sylvia at all!" Brooke chuckled humourlessly and sipped her coffee.

"No, it has everything to do with that girl! You're being too carefree nowadays Chase especially when you're with her. I am not going to give the hotel stocks to you not until you break up with her."

Chase was more annoyed with his mother at this point. She wouldn't accept his relationship with Sylvia and she knows how much Chase wanted those hotel stocks more than anything and now she's doing this to him just so he can break up with her.

"I want those hotel stocks mom," Chase said to her with a hard tone.

"Then you'll get it once you break up with Sylvia." She casually replied while shrugging her shoulders.

"I am not doing that Mom!"

"Then forget it."

He was getting mad at her now. He suddenly stood up from the table and stormed out of the house, got into his car, and drove straight to work.

He'll get that hotel stock no matter what but breaking up with Sylvia is not it. No matter what his mother says, he will not do it and that's a promise.


Sylvia brought Jason's coffee to his office and while balancing a bunch of files in one arm, she carefully placed his coffee on his desk. He was not in yet but he likes his coffee to be ready on time.

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