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It was nearly dark when Shay and Jason came back to the villa. Sylvia was already waiting anxiously inside for Shay and the minute she arrives, she stood up and went up to her and hugged her.

"You okay?" Shay nodded against her neck and she pulled back and smiled at her.

"I'm here right by your side if you need to talk."

Shay nods her head and leaned towards Jason's side.

"I know, thank you syl. I'm so glad you're here."

"You guys wanna watch a movie or something?" Chase suddenly called out from the living room.

They all joined him on the couch while he scrolled through Netflix, looking for a good movie to watch.

"Let me go get some popcorn," Shay said and Jason quickly agreed to go offer a helping hand and they both stood up and went to the kitchen.

Sylvia smiled to herself, feeling glad that Jason was willing to be by her side every second knowing well that she was in a vulnerable state.

"Just pick a movie already." She whined at Chase and he tilts his head to the side and looked at her.

"Can't you see I'm in the middle of it right now?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"You're not doing anything, you're just staring at that picture of the girl in the red bikini."

He chuckled and shook his head before passing her the remote.

"Alright smart mouth, why don't you pick one yourself? It better be good Sylvia or you'll regret it."

"Really? What are you gonna do?" She shot back with confidence.

Chase stared at her for about a long minute without responding, and a corner of his mouth lifted. He leaned closer towards her and she held her breath when his face was inches away from hers and his eyes were locked on her lips.

"You don't wanna know. Or I could show you right here on this couch what do you say?"

Sylvia struggle to swallow down the tight knot in her throat and she tried to stay calm and not show how much effect he has on her when he easily got her heart beating so fast within a minute.

"Okay, we've got the popcorn!"

Shay's voice from the back made her push him away and she scooted a little farther away from where he was sitting.

"Have you two found a movie yet?" Jason asked before sitting down next to Sylvia.

"Sylvia is still looking for one. It better be a good one babe." Chase replied with a teasing smile and she rolled her eyes at him.

It almost took her about five minutes to finally choose one. A thriller one to be exact and halfway through the movie, Shay was asleep on Jason's shoulder and Chase was visibly trying not to freak out every time the killer murders someone in cold blood.

It was a funny sight actually, to see him with his guard down and being so comfortable and carefree around his friends.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna take her upstairs to bed. Goodnight." Jason whispered to them when the movie finally finished and they both said goodnight to him before he carries Shay upstairs to their bedroom in his arms.

Sylvia turns off the TV and then looked at Chase with a teasing smile.

"I picked a good movie. See how it made you tremble in your seat?"

Chase playfully glared at her.

"Fine, you win. And I wasn't trembling okay?" She chuckled.

"Really? Then what do you call that? Shivering?"

"Shut up or I'll make you." She feigned a fake gasp.

"Wow guess that movie did something to you."

He rolls his eyes and smiled before pulling her up to stand and kissed her on the lips.

"Next time, I'll pick the movie myself." She giggled and wrapped her arms around him.

"Sure, whatever you say."

They continue to tease each other as they made their way upstairs to their bedroom. Even though the villa has many spare bedrooms, they decided to just sleep together in Chase's room instead.


They didn't do much the next day. They just relaxed by the pool and did some barbequing and had a few drinks.

They blasted the music outside and took pictures and also played some games in the pool. It turned out to be a great day and even though they were supposed to spend two nights at the villa but their fun together was cut short when Chase and Jason's work came up.

So they all talked and decided to leave in the evening but in the meantime, they continued to enjoy their time together and have fun.

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