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Sylvia was not surprised when she went to the office the next day and found plenty of work waiting for her.

Sometimes working as a personal assistant could be very tiring while sometimes it could be enjoyable too.

If only their weekend had lasted for a little longer but sadly, work is still work.

She sat down at her desk and started working straight away, then she made a few calls to their private clients and set up meetings for Jason. After his schedule is ready and completed, then she started on her work.

Her concentration was suddenly cut off when her phone started ringing. She was going to ignore it but she thought it could be Sonya or someone else from home so she quickly answers the phone without even seeing the ID caller.


"Am I speaking with Sylvia Falcon?" Sylvia frowned in confusion.

The voice belonged to a woman that she doesn't even know and so is her number.

"Yes, this is she. Who am speaking with?"

"Sylvia, this is Brooke Evans. Chase's mother."

Her heart skipped a beat. This was unexpected for her to be speaking with Chase's mother over the phone.

"Mrs Evans! Wow, um...this is a surprise." She stuttered over the phone and heard Brooke scoff.

"Yes well, is it possible for us to meet today? I would like to personally meet you and have a chat over coffee?"

Sylvia was even more surprised when she heard that her boyfriend's mother wanted to meet her today. She quickly glanced at the clock on the wall and nervously twirled around in her rolling chair.

"Ahh yes of course! I'd love to, we can meet today. It's almost my lunch break so-"

"Great I'll text you the Cafe's address see you then," Brooke said, completely cutting her off before she ended the call.

Sylvia slowly puts her phone down at her desk and just stared straight ahead, not sure how to feel about that short phone conversation with Chase's mother.

But she was also feeling a little confused; why does Chase's mother suddenly want to see and talk to her today? Is there something important that she wanted to tell her or is this the day that she finally gets to meet her boyfriend's mother?

The latter made her feel a little excited and a little nervous while thinking about it and she smiled to herself before she turned back to her work.


Brooke texted the Cafe's address and when Sylvia's lunch break finally came around, she wasted no time in leaving the office and getting into her car and drove straight to the café to meet up with her.

A few minutes later, she arrived at the café. It was one of the expensive ones around town called the 'BREW'. She nervously walked in and looked around.

She clearly has no idea what Brooke Evans even look like but judging the way she was talking on the phone, it suddenly gave her the idea that Brooke might not be that hard to find.

Clearly, she'd be blond, but when she entered the café and looked around she saw three blond ladies sitting at different tables.

One of them stood out from the other two just by the way she was elegantly sitting alone drinking coffee. Her hair looked perfectly shiny and long, and her expensive black dress screams 'BROOKE EVANS'

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