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Sylvia walked out of her bedroom with a towel in one hand, trying to dry her wet long blond locks after taking a shower. It has been a long day for her and the warm water helped relaxed her muscles and her mind.

She sat down on the barstool in front of her kitchen counter and poured herself a glass of wine. Then she flipped her phone over and was surprised to see a text from Chase.

C- Me. You. Dinner at 7.

It was direct and simple leaving no room for questions. Sylvia suddenly thought about her conversation with Matt earlier today and her mood quickly turned sour.

She took a big sip of her wine and stared at the text again. Even though Matt's words had bothered her a lot today it wouldn't be fair to let that affect the starting of their relationship.

She can go out tonight and enjoy their dinner together and act like nothing had happened at all. She won't let Chase know coz it will ruin their night if he knows what his older brother had told her.

She puts her wine glass down and quickly responded 'okay' before leaving the kitchen and going back to her bedroom to start getting ready.

Thirty minutes later, she exited the elevator wearing a beautiful cream dress that flows down her knees paired off with a coffee brown coat wrapped around her shoulders. Her hair was neatly done in a low ponytail and she wore her matching nude heels.

Chase was already waiting beside his car that was parked outside her apartment building, looking more handsome in a navy blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms paired off with long black suit pants.

He instantly smiled the minute she approached him and gave her a small hug.

"You look beautiful." He compliments while taking her in once again suddenly making her blush.

He opened the door to the front seat for her and she gets in while thanking him before he closed the door and jumped back into the driver's side.

"Shay dropped by the office earlier today." He told her while driving them to their destination.

"Oh yeah, she came to see me too. We didn't had much to talk about since she showed up right when I was about to leave for a meeting."

"Was your phone off the whole time?" Sylvia gave him a puzzled look.

"No, I'm pretty sure it was on."

"Then why didn't you even call or text me the whole day?"

Shay glanced at him and found him already staring at her. She frowned and looked away.

"Was I supposed to?" Chase chuckled.

"Yeah. That's how this dating thing works right?"

Sylvia smirked and tilt her head to the side while looking back at him.

"Oh, I didn't know you'd want it that way. I thought late-night dinner, champagne and clubbing, and cruising on fancy yachts were more of your thing. Calling and texting might seem too simple and boring for you."

He smiled and looked straight ahead.

"Maybe, but we're doing it your way remember?" She gave him a half smile and slowly nods her head.

The car finally came to a stop and Chase stepped out of the vehicle to open the door for her. She was surprised to see that he had brought her to a fancy-looking restaurant right near the docks facing many big and white yachts ahead.

"Shall we milady?" They smiled at each other again and then she hooked her arm around his and he started to lead her to the restaurant.

The tables and pretty lights were set up outside where there were a few people already dining and there was already a romantic kind of vibe in the atmosphere.

They sat down at an empty table and Sylvia slipped off her coat and just take in the view in front of her. A minute later, their waiter arrived to take their order and he served them their wine before returning with their meals.

"Are you a fan of French apple cake?" Her eyes widened excitedly at the question.

"Yeah, who doesn't?" He smiled in relief and sipped his wine.

"Good, I ordered it for dessert. This place is famous for its desserts so I want you to try it."

Sylvia gave him a long stare.

"Have you tried before?" He nodded while continuing to eat.

"Yeah, of course, it's amazing I'm telling you."

"So you've been here before huh?"

Chase slowly placed his fork down and his eyes met hers. He quickly realized where her question is heading and he leaned back in his chair and nodded.

"Yeah." They continue to stare at each other in silence.

Right when he noticed she was about to speak, he quickly beats her to it.

"With my mom. This is one of my favorite restaurants so she loves coming here with me because of their desserts."

He caught the satisfied look in her eyes before she reached for her wine glass, and that made him laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked with a smile.

He leaned across the table towards her and smirked.

"You probably thought this is where I bring other girls too huh?"

Realizing she was caught, she quickly looked away and cleared her throat loudly.

"No! I didn't even think of that."

"Right." He replied teasingly.

His phone starts ringing and he reached into his pocket without even looking away from her. He quickly glanced at the screen and raised his brows.

"It's Shay." He told her and she shrugged.

"Then answer it, it could be important."

He answered the call and Sylvia waited while staring at him as he talked to her cousin on the phone with a low tone.

"Sounds like a great plan. I'll clear out our schedule then. Alright, good night."

The sudden smile on his face made her curious and he finally puts his phone away and grinned at her.

"Well, would you look at that? Seems like we're going on a romantic getaway this weekend."

Her jaw dropped open in surprise.

"What? Really?" He nodded while still smiling.

"Shay just invited us to come. She wants the four of us to hang out together this weekend so she's already planning things out."

"Four? Ooh right, Jason!" He nods again.

"Yeah. Like a romantic couple's getaway or something. But first things first, we're all going out tomorrow night to a party. A friend of mine just opened a new club so why don't we all go there and have fun?"

Sylvia smiled happily at him and nodded in agreement. So far their relationship is progressing in a good way and she was starting to enjoy her time more with him. It makes her feel happy and at ease.

For a moment there, she had completely forgotten about her conversation with Matt, and all she was ever looking forward to, is the amazing weekend they were gonna spend together.

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