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The next morning, was Sylvia's first day working at Falcon Group. She got ready on time and arrived at the company early but before she went in, she stopped outside at the front entrance of the building and looked up at the big bold letters in silver right at the top that says;

Falcon Grp

It made her feel a little weird to be standing there because it's been a while since she came back. She inhaled and then exhaled a deep breath before plastering a smile on her face and then going in.

"Miss Falcon hi! Right here!" A woman suddenly shouts from the lobby area and she turns around and finally sees her.

One thing she noticed is that she was very tall. Even without the heels, she would still pass Sylvia with a few extra inches. Her dark raven hair was neatly pulled back and secured with a claw clip, she wore a cream-coloured pencil skirt paired off with a deep blue blouse. The friendly smile on her face immediately puts Sylvia at ease and she did an awkward small wave back.

"Nice to finally meet you, I'm Nya and I'll be your assistant from now on. I'm here to show you to your office and help you settle in. "

Sylvia nods her head and Nya reaches out her hand.

"Welcome to Falcon." She announced with a bigger smile this time and Sylvia shook her hand.

"Thank you."

"Right. Follow me I'll escort you to your office which is on the 20th floor."

Sylvia starts following her toward the elevators while Nya continues to explain things to her along the way.

"I'm sure you already know how some things work around here, I mean you did work for C&E and I'm not sure how things work at their office but I'm pretty positive it works the same way around here too. Things like the time for our lunch break, company rules and regulations, hygiene, and stuff like that you know?"

Sylvia nodded and they got into the elevator and Nya pressed the 20 button.

"Yes, they're pretty much the same."

"Oh great, then I don't need to go over all that."

"Don't waste your breath on it." Nya laughs.

"Alright then."

They arrived at the floor where her office is, there was a desk located right in the left corner which was Nia's work area. Sylvia's office has glass walls around it so that anyone can see everything inside.

Nya pushed open the glass door and stepped to the side and gestured for her to walk in first. She stepped into the room and looked around. The room was coated with a jade color, her desk was neat with a few folders, books, and pens organized in one place.

There were two leather sofas on the further side of the room, both set facing towards each other with a small glass oval table placed in between. A long book shelf covered one quarter of the wall and the other half was just a clear floor-to-ceiling window that overlook the city below.

"Do you like it?" Nya asked her when she noticed Sylvia taking the time to observe everything inside the room.

Sylvia slowly turns towards her and smiled.

"Yes, I love it." Her response made Nya smile happily and she turned and grabbed a folder from the desk and handed it to her.

"This is the file that has a copy of your schedule for today, since it's only been your first day we'll sort through all the events for today one by one and then I'll work on the rest of your schedule for the week."

Sylvia takes the file and nods back at Nya with a grateful smile on her face.

"Thank you. I appreciate the effort for helping me settle in."

"Just doing my job ma'am." Sylvia suddenly remembers how she used to work the same way as her when she was working as Jason's PA.

The memory brought a heavy feeling in her heart and she sighed before going around the table and taking her seat.

Nya left the room to get back to her work leaving Sylvia to have a moment by herself in her office to slowly take everything in. She gazed out through the big floor-to-ceiling window with a smile on her face while slowly twirling from side to side in her rolling chair.

The sound of her ringtone blaring in her room snapped her out of her daze and she quickly reached inside her bag and pulled out her phone.

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Chase's name flashing across the screen and she hesitates for a moment whether to ignore it or answer the call. Then, she chose to do the latter.

"Chase." No greetings, just his name to let him know how weirdly uncomfortable for her to be answering his call right now after they'd broken up.

"Hey." He greeted back.

"Why'd you call?"

"I um....just wanted to hear your voice."

Something with his tone made her heart beat faster. His randomly calling her was weird, yes, but she won't admit that she was also hoping for him to call too and was dying to hear his voice as well.

"I don't think it's right for you to be calling me anymore. Not after everything that has happened."

There was silence from his end and Sylvia thought that he might have ended the call and she checked but he was still on the line.

"I know. I heard you're starting your first day at Falcon today. I just wanted to say congrats."

"Thank you. Is that all?"

"No. Can I um.....invite you out for dinner tonight? I think we should talk."

A shaky breath escaped from her lips and she swallows the hard lump forming in her throat before answering.

"I don't think-"

"Please? I know you think it's not a good idea but please I just want to talk that's all. Please? Just for one night that's all I'm asking."

The desperate tone in his voice made her heartache. It hurts so bad that tears start to form in her eyes. She would hate herself if she says no to him but not because she doesn't want to see him. She was just thinking of checking up on him too so she can hopefully talk him out of his new drinking addiction.

She knows that he's been doing that because of their breakup and even though they're not going to patch things up tonight, at least she'll try to change his mind about relying on alcohol to try and ease the pain.

"Syl? You still there?" His voice took her away from her thoughts and she cleared her throat loudly to let him know that she heard what he said.

"Okay. Just dinner and that's it. Text me the address and I'll meet you there at 6."

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