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Sylvia only managed to sleep for three hours last night because she managed to escape from the charity afterparty at two in the morning, and also because of her mother who wasn't planning to let her leave so soon not till she introduced her to nearly all of the guests that had attended.

By the time she arrived at her apartment, she was too exhausted and lazy that she went straight to bed without even taking off her dress not caring if she rips any of the corners or zippers or whatever when she toss and turns in the night.

She woke up in the morning with a small migraine and decided to freshen up and change out of her clothes. She sat on the stool at her countertop while waiting for her coffee to be done while she rubs her temples as the pain continues to increase.

When her coffee was done, she took a small sip with her eyes closed and leaned her head down on top of the counter while groaning.

Her phone starts ringing from beside her and without lifting her head, she grabs her phone and answered it without even looking at the caller ID.


"Hello, Sylvia." The familiar voice immediately forced her to look up.

"Mrs. Evans." She replied while dragging out the name with a hard tone.

"I believe we need to have a little talk. Meet me at the same café as last time, in an hour. I'll see you then."

Before Sylvia even had the chance to say anything, she ends the call and all Sylvia could do in return is groan in frustration. But of course, she knew this was coming. After accidentally meeting each other at the charity event yesterday which led to some confusion during the introduction she made to her mom's friends, she wonders what Mrs. Evans wants to say to her this time.


She enters the café while the bell hanging above her head, chimes and the wind following from behind blew her hair to her face. After tucking her hair behind her ears, she quickly looked around and managed to spot her sitting at the same table where they sat the last time.

Putting on a poker face, she walks towards her table and sat down in front of her while looking her straight in the eye.

"I'm here now. I think this meeting is unnecessary since there isn't much to talk about." She immediately told her and Brooke chuckled after sipping her latte.

"Oh, believe me, there is something to talk about. Well for me of course, and by that I would like to start with an apology."

Sylvia raised her brows in surprise.

"An apology? For what?"

"For being a terrible judge of character. I know you and Chase are still seeing each other and there's nothing I can do anymore to stop either of you from doing that. I'm sorry for saying all those harsh things to you when we first met. My son is precious to me and I only want what's best for him and someday you'll know how that feels. If I knew who you were back then, I wouldn't have treated you that way. Again, I am truly sorry for that."

Sylvia just stared at her with a blank look on her face while Brooke was almost tearing up but Sylvia allowed herself not to be fazed by it. Who knows, she could be acting.

"So you're saying that if you had known who I was at that time, you would've accepted me dating your son? Because I come from a rich family and that's how I meet your standards is that what you're telling me?"

Brooke's eyes widened in confusion and surprise.

"No, because you're the daughter of one of my closest friends and I swear I would've never treated you badly if I had known you were Serene's daughter." She reasoned.

"But even if I had known that you're the perfect match for Chase, I still wouldn't allow it. Why? Because he hid you from me that's why. He didn't tell me anything about your relationship and he kept it from me. I don't like keeping secrets from my family Sylvia and I expect them to do the same. But since we're here now, I will just let it go this one time. You're both adults and can do whatever you want so who am I to stop you right?"

A smile slowly stretched upon Sylvia's lips and Brooke chuckled while taking another sip of her latte.

"I hope we will get to know more about each other later on," Brooke said before stretching her hand out over the table towards Sylvia.

She gently shook her hand and returned the smile.

"I hope so too."

They stayed for another couple of minutes, talking and sharing stories till Brooke had to leave because she had a doctor's appointment at noon. Sylvia decided to leave a few minutes later and when she was on her way to the car park, her phone suddenly rang as a notification came in.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and frowned when she saw that someone had airdropped her a picture and after quickly looking around, she looks down at her phone and decided to open it.

Her heart drops when her eyes settled on the picture, that was clearly showing Chase standing in a park with his arms around a brunette who's also the same height as he was. They looked like they were standing there after a walk and what pain her the most was seeing him kiss the side of her face, both completely unaware of their picture being taken from afar.

She started to wonder if this picture was taken recently or if was it from the past when he was just hanging out with some random girl like how he used to. Her thoughts were confirmed when multiple notifications starts flooding her phone as her friends, gossip forums and magazine online news updates started sharing the same picture around with new headlines and big question marks they all started to wonder what was going on.

It was taken recently, and that was confirmed when she clicked on one of the sites that came in and she saw the tabloids about Chase and the same girl, and some pictures of them were taken from different angles on the same day.

Walking together, holding hands, and there was one that she saw and made her feel like an arrow had been shot straight into her heart;

A picture of them kissing.

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