A/N: I'm really sorry everyone, I planned to finish this series by the end of summer, however, I failed at doing so. I was so so so busy in June and early July then went out of town during July, while out of town I received a hand injury that I'm still recovering from while I write this. The doctors said this injury may be here for months, so I'm going to try my best to keep chapters coming out frequently. Love you guys, enjoy the chapter!Shifsu: HAHAHA I'VE KILLED ALL THREE OF YOU!!!!! THAT WAS GREAT WASN'T IT AKUMA???
Shifsu slowly turns around and sees a massive cut on Akuma.
Sunaarashi appears standing in front of Akuma.
Sunaarashi: Even your weak ass attacks start to hurt in a beat down like that.
Tatara comes charging in, killing every clone in his way.
Shifsu: THEY'RE STILL ALIVE??!?!?!?
Odataki: Tatara. Keep killing those clones... Sunaarashi, hold that thing in place.
Odataki dashes forward and slices Shifsu's head off.
Odataki: The real one is in that shadow monster.
Tatara fights off the swarm of powered clones.
Sunaarashi: Sand breathing, restraining move!!! binding sand!
Sunaarashi's whip surrounds Akuma.
Odataki: I told you, get ready to cry Shifsu. Water breathing: fourth form, Striking tide.
Odataki slashes Akuma to shreds, revealing Shifsu's main body.
Tatara: Now!
Sunaarashi: Sand breathing: Second form, Desert dunes!
Sunaarashi hits the main body multiple times then pulls himself towards Shifsu. Gripping his blade.
Sunaarashi slices Shifsu's head off.
Shifsu lets out a piercingly loud scream as he fades away
Tatara: Odataki, your face.
Odataki: Yeah, it seems my demon slayer mark awakened.
Sunaarashi, Let's go. There's still four more dark moons and Sumire.
Odataki: Yeah.
Tatara: Only the beginning huh.
The dark moon battle in the lake house...
Winner: Tatara. Odataki, Sunaarashi.
A crow flies over them
Tatara: Huh...
Odataki: Tanemaki and Rozushi both...
Sunaarashi: May they rest in peace.
Kinoku and Eri are sitting by Rozushi's corpse with tears rolling down their faces.
Eri: I can't believe it..
Kinoku: Tanemaki too...
Crow: CAW! CAW! Dark moon six has been killed! Odataki, Tatara, and Sunaarashi have succeeded! CAW! CAW!
Kinoku: That's good. Eri, We have to keep fighti-
Eri: I know. Let's go kill the rest of the dark moons.
Haruto's group
Haruto: Thank you... Tanemaki, Rozushi.
Yui: You both did well.

The Hunter With Change. {demon slayer}
FanfictionHaruto Nakamura is a boy who's family may have a history with a secret form of the breath style. Tatara Sato wishes to protect his friends with all his strength after certain events happened. Token Takahashi wants to become a very powerful hashira a...