June 14th
Flames of life! Setting your heart ablaze!
Two hundred reads...Thank you so much to everyone that supports this series. this has been amazing for me. I will continue to try my best for you guys.
Just to give you guys a better scale of time, the raid on the demon mine took place in march, the seven month time skip goes from late march to october. This chapter will take place during this time skip in the month of june.
Token walks in the moonlight. He walks into the town's gates looking around.
Token: Reports of a mysterious haze huh? Possibly demonic.
Token stays up waiting for a haze to appear, but none show up.
Token: Dammit! Where is this demon? Tsk. I'll just get myself a place to stay.
We see Token walk into a hotel and go into a room. He flops his stuff down, changes, and goes straight to sleep.
The sun rises over the building as Token jumps out of bed.
Token: Now I can finally search for that demon.
Token changes into his demon slayer uniform. He puts a long white haori with flames on the bottom and the kanji for "flame" on the back of it in orange. He takes his mask and puts it on the side of his face. (kinda like how tanjiro wore his). He picks up his flaming red, orangish sword (same color as rengoku's), and conceals it.
Token: Alright!
We see the village market as Token walks around it.
Villager: The cloud didn't appear last night. I wonder if it'll strike again..
Token: Excuse me! Do you know anything about the cloud that's been killing people?
Villager: I-
She sees the tall muscular body of Token and gets a little intimidated.
Villager: Sorry! I have to go!
Token: Wait!
The villager runs off before Token can even say anything more.
Token: Dammit.
???: Okay so tonight how about I search the south side, you search the north side, and you search by the river area. We have to find this cloud. Even if we're on a small break.
Token: Wait a second.
???: Hm?
The lady that's talking has orangish hair and black tips.
Eri, age fifteen. Breath of blood user.
Beside her are two men. One has average height and quite muscular with silver hair.
Kinoku, age fifteen. Breath of gravity user.
The other man is much taller but not as muscular. He has long black hair in a bun.
Rozushi, age twenty. Breath of star user.
Token: You're searching for the cloud too?
Eri: Huh? We weren't really. We just were taking a break but after hearing about it we're trying to stop it.
Token: Well I believe it may be de-
Token (thoughts): People don't believe in demons. I can't really say it may be demons.
Kinoku: What? Demons? Yeah we know it's a demon.
Token: Huh?
Rozushi: We're demon slayers. Can't you see?

The Hunter With Change. {demon slayer}
FanfictionHaruto Nakamura is a boy who's family may have a history with a secret form of the breath style. Tatara Sato wishes to protect his friends with all his strength after certain events happened. Token Takahashi wants to become a very powerful hashira a...