March 11th
7th day. Haruto has survived all 7 days, but now it's time for him to go back down the mountain. He's encountered many demons which he's killed most with ease except the tree demon. but now he's running back down exhausted.
Haruto runs downhill and reaches an empty area with trees surrounding the area. Haruto has a wrapping around his forehead as he's been injured from there. His uniform is also covered in dirt and scratches from his many battles. He stops to rest and sits on a rock. Suddenly tons of rumbling can be heard then he sees someone in a familiar uniform with brown hair. The man turns around and takes his mask off. Token.
Token: Yo Haruto. Seriously? Taking a break?. Just how pathetic are you? Hopefully you can clean up after me! There's a huge mess here, and if you're truly someone who thinks they can take care of Sumire and their family. Then here it is!
Token runs off as the entire area gets surrounded with demons.
Haruto: 1...2...3....5....8...10...15...15! There's 15 demons here! Holy shit Token. You've officially done it. I really do fucking hate you now.
The demons all start arguing over who gets to eat Haruto
Other demon: WAIT GUYS. Let's kill him and fight over who gets him!
They all agree and jump towards Haruto.
Haruto: Is this...Is this where I die?! Grab your sword and think of something. No, I can't hit this many! Fuck!
One demon jumps up and is about to land atop of Haruto until a man appears above the demon and attacks calmly.
???: Wind breathing, fifth form: Cold mountain wind!
The demon gets its head cut off and the man lands by Haruto. He kicks Haruto in the leg so he falls, then he attacks again.
???: Wind breathing, fourth form: Rising dust storm!
The man kills four demons closing in and helps Haruto up. The man is tall and muscular. He has red hair and red eyes.
Haruto: That you? Tatara?
They both stand back to back.
Tatara: Cmon Haruto lets go!
Haruto: Flame breathing, First form: Unknowing flame, manifest! Singing birds of the morning flame!
Tatara: Wind breathing, First form: Dust whirlwind cutter!
The two take out the demons and sit there.
Haruto: Thanks Tatara. Fucking Token attracted them to me and left me to deal with it.
Tatara: Something happened between you two?
Haruto: Yeah..
Haruto explains what happens
Tatara: Token was always kind of rude, I'm sorry. Well. Race you to the bottom!
Tatara rushes off as Haruto runs off as well.
At the bottom
Tatara: Seems I got here before him.
There's Tatara, Token, A boy with silver hair and red eyes. A girl with pale orange hair, hints of red and black tips with red eyes. A guy wearing a starw hat and with green eyes. Yui (the girl that helped Haruto) She has ice blue eyes and is five feet and two inches tall.
Yui: Did he not make it?
She looks down with a sad expression.
Tatara: Cmon, where are you Haruto?

The Hunter With Change. {demon slayer}
FanfictionHaruto Nakamura is a boy who's family may have a history with a secret form of the breath style. Tatara Sato wishes to protect his friends with all his strength after certain events happened. Token Takahashi wants to become a very powerful hashira a...