October 10th - November 28th
Haruto stares at the lower moon twos decapitated head as it hits the ground as Haruto lands. As it hits the ground, snow starts to fall
The first snow for an upcoming winter.
Haruto: I didn't cut his head off... Then who did?
Haruto looks up and sees a man with long orangish reddish hair.
Haruto: Rengoku?
Inside of the atlas room all the humanoids disappear.
Tatara: Haruto did it!
Odataki: Good. They really did a number on us.
Tatara: Yeah...
Rengoku: Haruto. You okay?
Haruto: Yeah... I'm fine.
Rengoku: You've done an excellent job as a demon slayer! I even saw that breath style of yours. It was amazing.
Haruto: You're not mad?
Rengoku: Of course not! You're still my precious student. I knew all along you had something secret under your sleeve. That's probably why you struggled with flame breathing.
Haruto: Speaking of which, I hope to get better with it!
Rengoku: You should practice that shadow breathing of yours. In fact I know a place, but first let's get you healed up!
Haruto: Thank you...
Rengoku: Where Token?
Tatara and Odataki walk out and into the field where they're on. Tatara is carrying Sumire.
Haruto: Last I saw him was when he left the house.
Rengoku: I see.
Haruto coughs a little blood.
Haruto: He got me good.
Rengoku: You did great, Haruto. Once at the butterfly estate I heard someone talking about how you saved him. A thunder breathing kid.
Haruto: Yeah that's Yuri... Heh.
October 12th
Haruto is back in the butterfly estate.
Haruto: Back here again, Huh.
Haruto Nakamura: Broken leg. Broken rib.
Tatara and Odataki are standing by him.
Odataki: Stop getting injured so much.
Haruto: Hey I remember you all were injured after the demon mine so... Ha!
Tatara: He has a good point.
Odataki: I'm just messing with him. How's Sumire?
Haruto: She's still asleep, I think it might be a coma.
Odataki: Man that sucks.
Tatara: It's happened before, I'm sure she'll get right back up.
Haruto: I hope so.
Odataki: I guess this is where we separate now..
Haruto: What do you mean?
Tatara: You're the only one who has to recover, We'll probably be sent on separate missions for a while now. It gives me perfect time to get even stronger.
Odataki: I still need to perfect the tenth form. I haven't been able to do it correctly.
Haruto: Promise we'll meet up again? Promise we'll go on more missions together.

The Hunter With Change. {demon slayer}
FanfictionHaruto Nakamura is a boy who's family may have a history with a secret form of the breath style. Tatara Sato wishes to protect his friends with all his strength after certain events happened. Token Takahashi wants to become a very powerful hashira a...