The mansion of mystery! {Mystery Mansion}

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March 15th

The blue-haired man seen at the beginning of chapter eight appears. He's walking into the mansion and the second he walks in, a small piece of paper with a weird mark on it smacks his forehead.

We see Haruto, Tatara, and Sumire running to the mansion doors.

Haruto: Alright. Even if it's an ex lower moon. This is most likely going to be the toughest demon we've ever faced.

Tatara: Yeah. Let's be careful.

Haruto: Here goes nothing.

Haruto opens the main doors to the mansion. There's perfectly clean floors, chandeliers shining brightly and reflecting their light off the floors. The reflections of the demon slayers can be seen on the white quartz floor as they walk in.

Haruto: I can't even sense a demon?

A paper with a seal on it drops down and smacks Haruto, Tatara, and Sumire. The paper sticks to their heads and they look outside and see a forcefield has been put around the mansion.

Tatara: Guess we just have to stay here until we find the demon.

The slayers walk into the main room. They see other demon slayers sitting on the couch.

???: More people?! As if this mansion wasn't crowded enough.

A man with brown hair and brown eyes says.

???: Sorry about him!

A man with brown eyes and black hair says to the group

Takeshi: My name is Takeshi Suriyoku. I use the breath of the water. I'm twenty one. That man over there.

He points to the man that was complaining.

Takeshi: He's Jigoku Yakeru, he uses the breath of the flame. He's twenty. That over there.

Takeshi points to a man with blond hair and blue eyes.

Takeshi: That's Yuri Kanden.

Yuri: Nice to meet you! I'm a breath of thunder user! I'm nineteen!

???: What's with all the commotion?

A door opens up and the man from the beginning of the chapter appears. He has long black hair and blue eyes. He's also wearing his blue haori with an ocean pattern.

Haruto: Nice to meet you guys! I'm Haruto Nakamura, I use the breath of flame as well! This is Sumire Ryu.

Haruto points at Sumire.

Tatara: I'm Tatara Sato, I use breath of the wind. The three of us are fourteen.

Odataki: I'm Odataki. I use the breath of water. I'm fifteen.

Haruto: So is it just us?

Yuri: Nope! There's a few others here. Since you're here I guess we should tell our story!

Jigoku: Seriously?! You're gonna tell them the story?

Yuri: Yes I will! Right, Takeshi?

Takeshi: Sure.

Yuri: Okay so the three of us actually come from Greece! We used to actually be undercover in a criminal organization there and investigate demons in the criminal underworld. We met one of the criminal heads and he's a demon slayer as well! Let's see his name was-

Jigoku: Kurisu was his name.

Yuri: Kurisu! We came here once we learned of something called the a-

Jigoku punches Yuri in the stomach.

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